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Posts posted by goddess23

  1. hey. okay, i agree when people break up, to move on, the best thing is usually nc. but in this situation, i just think that you should stay in the contact that i mentioned. i mean you guys didnt break up. but you guys are trying to experience something new, and you shouldnt be just waiting for his calls, but you shouldnt make an effort to ignore him. if you feel thats best, then you need to talk to him about how you feel, and put some closure on it for now. the way it is now, it would just completely confuse him if you do nc. so ya as i said, if you really cant handle him with someone else while you're "on hold", then you should tell him you just cant do that, and that maybe you guys should take an OFFCIAL break and have nc for awhile. but the way i see it, i would stick with my previous advice.

  2. no i dont think looking is cheating. as everyone said, its human nature. to me flirting is cheating if you do it purposely. see, im one of those naturally flirtatious people, like i dont even want to im not attracted to the person but the way i talk or interact with people they may take it as flirting. but if i was like really putting it on to like chop a hot guy then that would be cheating. but looking is not cheating, seriously, its not. my bf is not blind, im not the only beautiful person in the world, him looking wouldnt bother me, but if he does it infront of me, then it will make me feel a little bothered and i think thats disrespectful.

  3. oo this is a tough one. okay, well about your main question, i think you should stay in contact with him, dont ignore him, but you shouldnt make the first call, or the idea of meeting up. if he calls, talk, if he wants to meet, meet. but now you have to decide about how you feel about being one of his girls. i mean obviously you guys have history and theres so much to consider. and thinking that you guys will probably attend the same college, chances of things working are good. but it seems that honestly he still loves you and cares about you, but in a differnt way. its like my childhood love, i still love him but im not in love with him. i wish the best of the best for him, but i wouldnt want to be dating him right now. so it seems like he needs some free time. let him be, but if you feel that you cant handle that (although from your post, you seem to be OK with it) then you need to tell him that you cant just be on standby. i think you should at least take the summer off, experience a bit yourself, see how you feel about dating other people. the both of you can take some time off, i mean you two have been dating since you guys were what? 14? its beautiful its lasting this long, but being off and on says something. im just one of those non believers in an off and on relationship. it seems like you guys constantly need that break, so take the summer off. but if you two keep separating, then that says something about the relationship. how can it REALLY work? but thtas a different issue. the main thing right now, stay friends, if he wants to keep in contact, then thats great, otherwise do your own thing for now, and do what hes doing. see how you feel about it, maybe you'll both realize that you do still care deeply but in a differnt way. and maybe it will be just what you need to realize that the two of you are better then you thought. best of luck!

  4. we all know playing hard to get or ofcourse not being needy is essential. but the reason im giving the advice to call is because of the circumstances surrounding their last conversation. with the issue at hand, you need to get some clarity on the relationship. he should understand that, so in this case i say call him and try to get him to talk to you in detail about the situation. ofcourse, in normal circumstances, you need to give him space, as well as yourself, but ya, this is a different situation.

  5. hey, np. ok that sentence makes a big difference in what might come out of talking about it. although i will say that him not making any effort to contact you is really wrong especially since you did mention how you were feeling. why was it you guys didnt discuss it on the spot? anyways, and yes i know you think you're being paranoid, but how much can you take? so being concerned in your case was not being paranoid. it sounds like he doesnt want it to end or anything, but honeslty it seems like he is losing interest--keep reading, dont panic yet lol. i dont know your age, if you're pretty young, i would say that is a faze where people change all the time, but you mentioned CAREER lol, meaning he probably isnt 16 lol. but it does seem like he is not making a conscious effort to contact you. and he may love and care for you just as much as before if not more, but it may be that the initial elation has now passed and he doesnt feel the need to talk to you every moment of his day. but going on with no contact like that is just too unbarable, and you should tell him that if hes busy thats fine but to let you know, anyways the advice remains the same about talking to him in detail about the situation.

  6. hey, well i really have about 3 on each breast, so its not much, but honestly i wouldnt worry too much, youve got a big chest thats a great thing. no ones perfect, and i actually just like trim the ones i have, because its really few, but if its alot, if you know you're gonna be getting close with a guy then just CAREFULLY shave it. but dont stress, i dont guys would be like EW about it.

  7. hey. okay i totally feel your panic. my bf of 8 months now and i went through a little time when i felt distanced, but it was because i was sick, and not in school and he had rehearsals for a show. and then i had rehearsals lol. so in my case there was genuinely the time factor that caused this. but i was still worried because things had changed. so i talked to him about it, and he reassured me, and things just slowly got back to normal. now in your case, the fact that he mentioned "we have to talk" means that there is something thats bothering him, and he obviously does want to discuss it so giving him the cold shoulder doesnt sound too good. if you both are busy, thats fine for now, but tryyyy to call him and tell him that you're still waiting for that conversation to take place. and let him tell you whats going on. its really tough to just be wondering about where you stand, but he seems to want to get it off his chest, so im surprised that no contact has really taken place between the two of you. honestly even if its just an email or something, try and get to him. dont let this just hang over your head and make you worry and worry. i really feel your pain, i stressed over whther or not to talk to my bf about it because there were genuine excuses, but i was glad i talked to him about it, he told me the sweetest things i could think of. and its good that you did too, so now you need to try and get him to tell you his side of the story.

  8. first of all, the pulling out thing doesnt work, its not effective because your pre cum contains sperm. so now you have to think about at what point she was on her cycle, see if she was ovulating or close to ovulation. no, theres no signs that would really show up now, MAYBE nausea or soreness of the breasts, but that usually comes after. the first sign is a missed period. also when you say she usually always comes early on her period that doesnt make sense, because if thats the case then thats her "cycle". a womans cycle could be anywhere between 21 and 35 days, so saying she usualy comes early doesnt make sense. that means she SOMETIMES comes late. so im a little confused about how you said shes suppose to come tomorrow. does that mean tomorrow would make 28 days (a typical woman cycle) or does that mean thta shes really not due tomorrow but yesterday or today? so figure that out lol, check out her cycle. other factors that contribute to a woman being late are stress (a big one for me, im like a clock, and only like twice in the 5 years have i come late, and i was under terrible stress), eating habits, health, even new sexual activities. and ofcourse if shes worried about being pregnant, then that could affect it as well. so let me know if you have anymore questions, or any more info that i could help you out on.

  9. hey mike. okay first of all, yes i am really 16 lol. now, i dont think its not nice, i think its a great thing to have, and DEFINITELY in a marraige, these tokens of appreciation for one another are cherrished. although i still feel that once a week is quite often....but im sure theres a certain day or SOMETHINGGGG lol that has started that tradition for you and thats great. im just saying, i dont think its necessary for a relationship to be strong, and especially in teen or younger peoples relationships. that these endless gifts are ways of smothering a person, making them feel trapped or overloved if you know what i mean. and thats why i say, that with my bf, i would like if he did it ONCE IN AWHILE, like in our 8 months if he did it like twice. but hes a year younger and i understand our relationship, its complicated to go into detail about but ya lol.


    so ya, im sure after being married for so long, it would be such a joy to have a husband like that, so i commend you on being so thoughtful. but my advice is for someone in the younger age group--it seems these gifts mean almost nothing, and its just the only thing guys think they should do. when really being honest and caring and knowing themselves and judging their own character on being ready for a RELATIONSHIP is what is really needed for these things to work.

  10. ok, let me first say that my bf is a year younger so it might give an idea of why this happened. but i think we're both a little uncomfortable with public displays of affection. and ofcourse all our friends are like f**** in a corner so its really awkward. and ill admit that at first i felt that he was embaressed to be with me or something, like why wouldnt he want to? i never really made an issue about it or persued it myself because to be honest im not COMFORTABLE with it. so maybe for her, it makes her feel as if "my bf is ashamed of me, he doesnt want other people to know....". but i could tell it wasnt like that, and you should just talk to her about it. one day i asked my bf about it and he said it doesnt matter, but we like to keep things in private, it totally gets us both more INTO it lol.


    about kissing her more, make the first move. as a girl, i know that i flirted big time, but when it came to asking me out, or the first kiss, i just felt as if he should be making the move. as a girl we feel unattractive if a guy doesnt persue it, ofcourse be respectful, but its just as girls we are lead to believe that guys are suppose to be the aggressive ones, the ones who WANT to do these sort of stuff. so shes just waiting for you to make the move, you may think shes not giving you chances, but shes just waiting for you to pull her in. i dont mind making the first move now...i mean we're like 8 months into our relationship, but i think it should be the guy 60 girl 40. and ya kissing her neck is definitely the way to go from behind.

  11. hey first of all, about thinking about the future thats not an issue. but about liking all these girls, and going so far SO quickly in your mind is a problem, especially considering your current age. you do need to think seriously about who you deal with, and fantasizing about stuff isnt a problem, its when it does effect your expectations. just keep in mind what a real relationship entails, and that you're not a little kid anymore, that relationships could get serious, and if you're not ready to commit, then you should use your own discretion about that. personally i just cannot understand how people can like one person to another to another, ive only REALLY liked 2 guys in my life. but everyone is differnt, and that should change. but if you're not ready then thats fine, just go at your own pace, think about people seriously if you want to deal, and dont let your expectations be influenced by your fantasies.

  12. hey. as a girl, i dont think the really skinny is attractive, i wouldn't wanna be there. but now, heres a question, wats a healthy size in your

    opinion(s)? and about the tall girl thing....its so sad, it was the one thing i had....5'6 at 16 is kinda tall....i mean ill probably end up at 5'7. is it true that most guys like shorter girls?

  13. hey first of all dont be mad at her for so called hiding her feelings. honestly maybe she felt that connection with you before and the way the relationship is going so far she feels that its just best to be friends. honeslty i cant tell you what shes feeling because im not in your relationship but dont just be like that. i mean people change and feelings change, its not like she was leading you on in the first place. so chill out about that. im sure its tough, but it seems like the more you smother people the more they pull away. my bf and i, we love eachother and care about eachother so much, but neither of us smother the other with calls and un necessary gifts. honestly its nice, and i think the only reason i KINDA miss it is because all these posts, guys keep saying how they treat their girls like princesses, and my bf is not like that. he treats me very sweetly, and gives me everything i could ask for, but he isnt the kind of guy to bring flowers for me everyday or put lil love notes for me. and i dont really do those kind of stuff for him. so it makes me feel as if maybe if a guy really cares he just does this. like we dont celebrate our monthly anniversaries and stuff, but hes met my parents tons of times and we're the only couple left in my lil "group"--going on 8 months. so guys, if you've already spoiled your girls im sorry, because from all the friends i see, they really do feel all that necessary. now let me say, im one of those super understanding girls, i dont mean it in a bragging way, but i honestly think im a really nice gf, as in i dont expect him to do these thigns. he gave me beautiful gifts on valentines and my birthday, but its not a daily thing. so just use this as a lesson. and guys, is it true? if you really care for a girl, do you feel the need to shower her with gifts and mushy stuff?

  14. hey lol, honestly i think she likes you but really is shy. like she would be heartbroken if you were flirting with another girl, and would be very wary about accepting a date from you. she likes you, honestly i mean i could be wrong but from all of that, she seems to like you. i mean she seems like a real church going, innocent scared girl. like maybe she wouldnt want her parents to know anything. maybe she didnt go to the game because her paretns would get suspicious. but ya, i think you should confess your feelings to her and see what she says.

  15. hey thanks everybody. im surprised that the majority of guys dont get arroused just from kissing unless ofcourse it is really good. like honestly my bf isnt one of those "horny" guys you know? and he always gets arroused by our kissing, but as i said its pretty intense and pretty good. but roffler, that surprised me that its more the attraction to the girl then the actual kiss that really gets you going. but it is interesting. anymore replies are welcome because it is something that i think is interesting and i can always use more tips along with the rest of us, so thanx!

  16. hey ok ive never been in the "bar" scene. but i assume your just talking about chopping girls, just trying to pick one up. and unfortunately the main thing we're looking at is the appearance. as in we'll probably be physically attracted to you if we're "warm". then we look for someone who is natural, no need for lines, be straight, and dont be too arrogant, dont pretend that you have ALL THE SELF CONFIDENCE IN THE WORLD. like this one guy looked me up and down and said "not bad, how old are you?" like that just PISSED ME OFF!! so ya...hope that helped.

  17. honestly its not something that most girls really care about. i mean as long as it isnt too much like to get in the way of *stuff*. but it really doesnt make a difference. its just not something we care about. worry about the hair on your head lol.


    but what about you guys, is there a preference with how we have our pubic hair, does it matter?

  18. omg good question. i have kissed my bf on his neck and licked it as well, and when hes kissing my neck i usually kiss and nibble a bit on his ears, but i never can see his reaction lol so i always worried about if he enjoys it. i really do plan on asking him soon lol so i dont keep doing it but ya its nice to hear that you guys appreciate it, gives me some courage lol. and btw, i dont think kissing him creatively is leading him on or being a tease, as long as you talk to him or let him know your boundries he should be able to respect that. and if you dont want to get into touching then creative kissing is the way to go. and everyone has their own preferences--neck a definite favourite and it seems like the ears as well. also just touching him in non sexual places like his hair or his back or even just showing him that you care about him just as much as he does for you.

  19. lol i try not to tease my bf too much but he does enjoy a little bit. but honestly if you're making out with him and not having any fun, you seem to have never had any fun from the start, maybe the attraction just isnt there for you. maybe you should think about your feelings towards him as well. if thats not a question in your mind then go with everyones advice. mix it up, try differnet places, playing games, trying to explore his mouth more with yours. if it doesnt get any better then it might be the reason you end up getting out of the relationship. a bf is a friend that you really want to get ontop of lol, so if you;re not feeling that then the problem may not be in technique but just the level of attraction.

  20. hey everyone. ok, i was talking to a few male friends of mine and one of them told me that guys dont always get arroused through kissing, that it actually has to be a REALLY GOOD KISS for him to get arroused. i just want to know, how often does a kiss for say at least 10-20 seconds get you arroused? my bf actually always does but i have to admit that our kissing is very intense and reallly good, so i was wondering if you are attracted to the girl but the kiss isnt very good do you still get arroused? thanx!


    and girls, do you get arroused just from kissing, how often? personally it takes awhile, and not very often will i actually get wet. so i was just wondering with all of you a general statistic thanx!

  21. hey listen first of all you need to relax, you're not out of options. and always remember that if one part of you life isnt going well that there is so much more that you have. friends, family a LIFE. and you were born for someone, someone out there is waiting to find you. do you want to ruin their future too? and i truly doubt that you're responsible for any deaths much less 3. unless you took the gun/knife yourself and shot/stabbed them then you're not really responsible.


    about wanting to end this relationship. im not sure what you mean by healthy enough to carry on a relationship. but it is not wrong, if you feel that you cant handle the relationship its only fair to the both of you to end it. if she really is considering suicide then she needs real help and you would definitely not be responsible for it. it means that something is really wrong in her head, and that she needs real help. you did what you had to do, and if you feel that you want to talk to her then you should but the best thing to do would be to talk to someone in authority and get real adivice on this situation. if this girl is serious about killing herself, honestly you should not blame yourself for it. if she cannot understand that you are just not ready then you both are wasting time in the relationship.

  22. hey, i know how weird our age is. its like we're leaving our childhood and trying to really find ourselves and enjoy the so called "days of our lives" lol. and im scared myself about growing up. about friends, ive gone through alot, and its tough. about your friends, i know right now you feel like its the only people you really have and even though you know they're not your REAL friends, they're a past time for you. you dont need to ditch your friends, you should however talk to the downer one, because its wrong if he does that and you should just let him know that its not cool, and that it pisses you off when he judges things you're really into.


    but try meeting new people, make friends in your kung fu thing, and dont you just LOVE DRIVING, maybe when you go to a driving school you might meet people you click with, or even just in your classes! just be more social try meeting new people. and congrats on your steady gf, i know its very hard at our age for relationships to really last. im with my first bf rite now and its almost 8 months, which has been a wonderful addition to my teen life. but it does make me aware that im not a little girl anymore, and driving and all the other additions are just really gr8, but the problems and worries of getting into a good university and such are starting to take its toll. i went through that faze when i thought everything i love i was losing. it was the end of grade 8, people from my family had passed, my two best friends moved, my childhood love moved, and all this happened just before high school. but till this day im still super close with those two girls, i have moved on and have a great bf, and school is great. so even though you are going to lose things, its all going to work out. just hold on to those precious memories and embrace the bright future.

  23. hey, im sorry but from your post it seems like he really isnt interested in a relationship with you, and is just keeping you around because its like a casual friend who he can sleep with every now and then. dont let him use you like this, let the NC keep going, and if he wants to talk or wants to get together, if you still really want it then go out or whatever and tell him that you cant take this anymore. that you cant just keep hanging around not knowing exactly where you stand. you need to confront him or move on. this is not good for you, its wrong and i know you know it, just scared because you really like this guy. it seems like hes lost interest in the relationship, so tell him how you feel, and get a straight answer from him once and for all, maybe he does just need a break, maybe there are other aspects of his life he needs to deal with right now. so talk to him seriously about it at the next "date" and dont let him believe that you're just there for his convenience.

  24. hey, well im 16 and my bf (hes my first) is 15. its only a year but at this age it makes a difference. pros is that there is no pressure sexually, i get to set the pace, i also have to make most decisions which can get annoying, but it doesnt really bother me. now age differences matter depending on the people, but generally speaking, the only real problem they pose is that age defines what lifestyle we have regardless of our metal stage. for example i may be much more mature for my age, but i still have to obey parents and cant go into places with an age limit and right now im thinking about high school and the issues dealing with it. so dating a 20 something year old wont be a problem in how we connect but when it comes to doing activities together it might be a problem.

  25. hey. interesting question, ocs did a gr8 job. um, about if we ejaculate, i dont know what it is, but i think its the same stuff that comes for lubrication, or the same stuff that comes from getting wet. its like sperm in consistancy, but it doesnt contain sperm. i assume its just a suggary bodily fluid that is used for lubrication. but if anyone does find out exactly what it is then i would be interested myself. im a girl and i dont even know what its made of lolz.

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