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Posts posted by goddess23

  1. hey. im a girl and i dont find it disgusting that a guy or girl does this. its natural, and you shoudn't feel disgusted. does your family generally talk negatively about it, or is there some type of outside influence that makes you feel this way bout it. you shouldnt feel ashamed. im a girl and i probably do about 5 times a week. but i was talking to my bf about it, this was before we really started getting into actual sexual activities (hes 15) and he said in his life he has masturbated like 5 times. do you think he was just lying to me so that he doesnt sound like sick lol? i dont think it is, but maybe he thought at the time i would think it was weird. since then i havnt asked him how often he does like now that me and him have started doing things that would actually give him a reason to get a boner lol. but maybe he felt a little bit the way you do. its not a bad thing, its natural and you should enjoy it.

  2. hey. im a girl lol but i feel that it is wrong for a guy to take advantage of a girl if shes like this. then again, if SHE drank herself to this type of state, or put herself in this condition through her own fault, i dont think its ok for a guy to take advantage of her, but i dont think he should be charged with rape. i know thats weird, but i think it is stupid for a guy to do that, but its stupid if a girl puts herself in a situation like that as well. there neeeds to be a common sense line to draw. just because we're girls doesnt mean we have to be STUPID. its a tough issue, i dont think its right by any means, and i think the guy would be totally insane himself, but i think both parties would be responsible and nobody should be "punished" if you know what i mean.

  3. hey. ok lol first let me say my friends give me credit for talking about sex without making it sound "dirty", and for being very educational so hopefully i can help.


    now ovulation is when a woman is most likely to get pregnant, its when the egg is in an area that it will be easily fertilized. now this takes place usually around the middle of a womans cycle.


    although its not a 100% way of birth control it does help to know, because if you're just fooling around without protection (no intercourse) if shes OVULATING she can still get pregnant. to figure out when that is, the day a girl starts her period is day 1 of her cycle. the average cycle is about 5 days, so the egg has died at this time, and until around day 14, she will still be infertile. but sperm can survive inside us girls for up to 5 days, meaning if you had sex say a little after her period around day 8 or 9, she could still get pregnant. so the time that a girl is least likely to get pregnant or safer days to do stuff would be day 1-7. so usually she is somewhat on her period. and then after ovulation which is at its peak until about day 20 or so, shes infertile again. so from day 21 or 22 until day 28 (the day before her period begins again) is reletively safe.


    i hope i helped you, and its not totally pathetic lol, alot of guys dont know the details but it is good to know if you have an open relationship with your partner.

  4. hey. first of all let me just say, he is damn lucky to have a gf with C cup breasts. thats like perfect! and if he is dissatisfied to the point that he finds your body no longer arrousing then thats a problem. you should really ask him how he feels and if he would break up with a girl because of something like this. tell him that its really bothering you and see how he feels once and for all.

  5. hey well i will admit that most girls do like a guy thats taller then them. but im 16, im 5'6 and ive always been one of those tall girls in my grades growing up. i was taller then almost all the boys, and its weird b/c even though if you asked me what height i would like a guy to be, it would probably be in the 5'10 range, i have always ended up liking the short guys. they're cute lol. like even now there are lots of guys that are taller then me but i always end up liking the short ones. my current bf, who is actually a year younger is just a LITTLE taller then me, and its not a problem. i liked him even when he was shorter then me. so height doesnt always matter. and i know that being on either end of the scale--a short guy or TALLL girl has its downfalls but don't freak out about it. its not the end of the world. there are lots of girls at your height as well, and im sure there are many girls that would throw height out the window for some other wonderful qualities--im one of them.

  6. first of all--a better question would be why do PEOPLE go for good looks. its not only girls that are initially attracted to more attractive people. guys are probably even more critical, maybe because there is so much more to critique unfortunately. and as someone brought up, humans have been "programmed" to look for mates that are healthy and will be able to give them good offspring. in the females case, good genes, and the males, a female who will be able to carry the child and keep it healthy. and good looks are often associated with health. for example, you know a girls "hour glass figure" is actually about hips that will be able to handle a child, so thats why men find that attractive. and clear skin, clear eyes, good hair etc is a sign of your health. now we know that there are exceptions, but this is how humans are suppose to be able to know if the person is a good choice for mating with.


    and over the years, what is and is not attractive has changed. and personal preference has a role to play. so yes, i admit that as a teenage girl, the cuteness of a guy is probably very important in the very beginning if im looking for a bf or not JUST A FRIEND. the difference between my male friends and my bf is probably that sexual attraction. i mean my bf is my "friend" too, someone i trust and has qualities that are amazing, just like my other friends, but hes hot too lol.

  7. hey well im not sure how old you are, but that is really immature. you seem to be more upset that you're alone than about dumping your gf for a reason such as this. you didnt say if there were other reasons for breaking with your gf, but if this was it, for a sexual attraction to another girl which you must have barely known to say the least, that was just wrong. i hate to say it but you got what you deserve in this case. again, i dont know the details so forgive me if there are other factors that keyed in, but from you post, its very insensitive. you dont really seem interested in your ex either, so the best thing to do is to move on, let things flow and if you like someone go for it and if not then just enjoy your time as a single guy.

  8. i feel as if youve taken the words right out of my heart about my last love who moved. it really is beautiful. it sounds good and it has so much true feeling. it really is good, you should write song lyrics lol.

  9. hey just taking an informal survey lol. ive done this with a couple people but i was just wondering, what do you consider cheating? do you feel that its different for guys and girls? and to what degree of cheating would you be upset enough to end it? just wanna get your opinions. thanx!

  10. i would personally not take such a risk to change my appearance. as aireyc said, if there is a real medical problem or something that really does get in the way of everyday life then that's something to CONSIDER. but i feel that these type of drastic surgeries are too much, not necessary, to look in the mirror and see someone i dont even recognize is beyond scary to me.


    i think these desperate attempts to fix self confidence are not the way to go. i mean on extreme makeover, they have counsilling and health changes, so its still a little differnt, still too much but these cases are usually severe and are helpful. but going into an operating room i dont think will magically make you more confident. and loving yourself first is most important.

  11. hey. well with my bf, we recently REALLLLY started fooling around and before and after our "sessions" we talk about it. its not a bad thing, and we try to be honest with one another. now you didn't say if shes ACTUALLY GONE DOWN ON YOU AT ALL, you said she teases, but i know that its very tiring on the jaw to do it for like a full 5 mins. so if she has gone down on you maybe she was tired lol. but if she hasnt then just bring it up, its not a big deal. start talking about sex in general, and then talk about personal moments and then you could ask something like "so...what do you plan to do next?" or something. you can figure it out, you know your gf lol. and its good that you really love and respect her and dont want her to do anything she doesnt want to. but you're right, the fact that shes done it before means she probably has no problem going down on you, maybe the right atmosphere wasnt there, i dont know. but talking to her in a casual way about it or just asking her so what would be a turn on for you, and she might ask you the same thing and you could mention it and see if she tries to fullfill your wishes lol. im sure you two talk about sex, its just another topic, dont stress about it.

  12. you know something, us girls have a problem. we love a guy who keeps us guessing. we love a guy who treats us sweet one day and kinda ignores us the next. well if not love, we are definitely infactuated and they leave us wanting more. i think your problem is you're feeling overly loved and smothered. it doesnt make you a bad person, but the fact that these things bother you SO MUCH, like you seem really annoyed by certain things that shouldnt bother you like that especially after such a short period of time. like the knee thing and reassuring you, its understandable that it might make you feel as if he doesnt understand the real world, but you should take it as his pathetic attempt lol and think its cute or at least a good try. but if you're so bothered by it, i think its gone beyond just needing a break. theres nothing you can really do, he was your friend, so he wants to treat you exactly the way you probably described to him lol, but you could try talking to him about it. tell him that he doesnt need to do so much all the time, that reserving it for special occasions is totally okay. and see how things go, its hard to tell you to change your entire perspective on him, give it a little more time, talk to him and see how you feel and if this feeling persists then you know the fair thing for both of you would be to break up.

  13. hey. dont worry about which catagory lol. ok, about your issue. it was not wrong for you to get upset, she knew you were seeing this, and she obviously wanted to send the message that your bf and her are probably at the very least flirting. even if its JUST HER doing the flirting, he should say to her that he feels uncomfortable or whatever about it, but he seems to subconsciously want to persue SOMETHING with her. not necessarily anything serious, but just to have her there maybe JUST to boost his ego. but you were not wrong to be upset, giving him an ultimadum (sorry i dont know about the spelling of that lol) on the other hand was not the way to handle it. the fact that they have been friends from the past gives you little right to stop that. but you should tell him that you feel very uncomfortable about their relationship especially after seeing an IM like that. see what he has to say about it, see how he feels about telling her something or just slowly giving her the cold shoulder. but sorry you dont have the right to tell him to not talk to her anymore, thats his choice, but if it makes you very upset you could tell him that you cant handle an issue like this, that it would drive you insane and that if he cant do SOMETHING about it, that you have no choice to end it. he should be willing to take action, if not then that says something about him. but if he feels its unfair to both of them to end their "friendship" completely you have to give him that much. so talk to him, thats the best thing you can do right now. see how he reacts, if he really is over her and really into you then he wont have a problem with making some comprimise.

  14. wow, sticky situation. i mean with the way both your lives are at the moment, i think it would be best to leave things alone. i mean yes there are things you miss about him, but are you sure those things can be fullfilled through a purely plutonic relationship? it just seems that subconsciously you still love him. im not saying you would choose your ex over your current bf, but i think it could cause problems. you might end up flirting and stuff...its just a risky situation. and if both of you are in new relationships, and the fact that things ended on a somewhat sour note and NC took place, i think it should just continue. if he continues to try and contact you, you didn't specify how exactly but a few emails or phone calls is okay to start replying to and really see if you want to just have this guy there for SUPPORT or as a backround dancer in your love life.


    there is no etiquette on how to treat someone you broke up with really. and in the case of someone who cheated, you dont really have any responsibilities. but you know in your heart what you're feeling, and if you really think this guy is worth it to bring back into your life then start by being friendly to his attempts of contact. but from what you have given in your post, i would advise from the black and white point of view to let things continue how they are.

  15. You need to tell her how you feel. i mean how much more "wooing" can you do?! she probably just thinks that you're JUST HER FRIEND, and even if she wants to, refuses to look at you otherwise because she may think that you just think of her as a friend. but she is UR FRIEND, and she may just want to keep it that way. so really you have to get your feelings out there before its too late.

  16. lol you wanna hear something funny. when i liked my current bf who always played it cool, i was starting to give up and stuff, so he saw me in the hall and hes like hey and whatever and i said hey like really depressingly because i was depressed about him and him talking to me made me feel as if hes so close yet so far. lol...and hes like y u so down? and i didnt even reply lol. so her seeming to be down could be because she remembers how she felt about you. but ya if you;re interested then just make small talk, try to talk to her friends casually and end up talking to her, or ask about something with classes. but ya it shouldnt be too hard, her being depressed is actually a good sign (unless ofcourse she was actually depressed about something serious lol).

  17. hey! well first of all, its nice that you two are meeting. that will be a turning point for both of you to see how the sparks really fly. now about her moving and stuff, you shoudn't feel guilty AT ALL, i mean it would be her choice, you are just one of the pros to the move. theres no reason for you to feel guilty about it. and if you're 19 im assuming shes in the same age range meaning its a good time for her to make a change. in any case, you should just go with the flow. and if you want her to be closer to you then you should tell her that. so see how it is in person, see where the relationship is going, she will make her decision based on many other factors. so if she does decide on moving in with her dad, then you should be estatic and not feel guilty. maybe its the gr8 place her dad has, or maybe she has friends and all in that area too. so dont think about it too much. see how its going and dont feel guilty about ANYTHING!

  18. hey. well first let me say as a girl, when im making out with my bf, the best sensation is when he kisses my neck. like kinda stop kissing ME for a second and look into my eyes and then move down towards my neck, the side, and it feels good when he sorta sucks on my neck. and move around with kisses. the neck is the best. and if you're standing, you know our curve, put your hands in the curve area and move your hands up and down or just a gentle massage almost, totallllly turns me on!

  19. hey i dont know how old you are, but ive been with my bf for over 7 months now, very in love, known him for...3 years now, and we've been on like maybe 3 dates and they were like group or double. i recently sneaked him over wen my parents werent home, but we have never been on "dates". we started out as friends and got to know eachother and like eachother alot and he told me he wanted me to be his gf. i mean very few couples in my high school have parents that let them go on "dates". im actually 16 and not allowed to go out with "friends". they know about my bf and are involved with alot of what happens. but ya, its not hard at all, dating is not essential. i mean what is a date, its going to a specific place for a specific amount of time to get to know on another. but we get to know eachother "naturally" without any REAL pressure. we go out and have fun, and he comes over and we make out and he walks me home from school...we spend hours after school JUST TALKING, so dont worry, just be the person's friend first. again i dont know how old you are, and what kind of lifestyle you have, but it is possible. just depends on you situation. good luk!

  20. hey! ok im not a guy...but i think me n my bf have some pretty good make out moments lol. when he says aggressive i think he means a good way to start would be makin the first move sometimes. initiate it, you should want it, and itll turn him on. another thing that ive noticed my bf loves is when i suck on his tongue, like literally lol. when his tongue is in your mouth suck on it and use your tongue to massage it. when he says aggressive he probably means more tongue and making the first move. and yes using your hands more is great, now i dont know how far you go with your guy right now, but maybe taking his hand and placing it somehwere you know he would like might be something he would enjoy as well.


    but mainly, it seems he wants more aggressiveness right, so be more aggressive, make the first move a little more, add tongue and add touching now and then. have fun!!

  21. first of all ecd, a lil more sensitivity would be nice.


    but i hate to agree that this is probably over. although i don't agree that the way she feels is "im not attracted to you anymore, period". im not in your relationship but i think shes been feeling smothered. that you're too attentive, always keeping tabs on her. and i think she is a little hesitant to break up but from her letter, there really isn't any point in perusing it anymore. thats probably exactly what shes tired of. mayb after awhile of NC she may miss you and come back, who knows maybe by then you'll be over her. the best thing to do at this point is move on, and let things flow. if you feel that you need to put some closure yourself, send her a letter with your feelings so that you don't leave anything unsaid that you will later feel "i wish i had told her...". but ya, put some closure to this for yourself if needed, and move on. i wish you all the luck! bye

  22. telling him you loved him was not a mistake. but telling him you know he feels the same way was not a good way to go. i mean you should give him time, he may have been shocked, maybe hes never thought about it. i dont know about how long you two have been dating, and the circumstances surrounding this but you need to express your feelings but at the same time let him know that he has a say lol. i think you just took him by surprise and then trapped him in a sense.


    now you need to talk to him. if you can wait and see if he'll approach you that would be best but that will probably kill you trying to play it cool in this situation. so the best thing would be to send him an email or letter where you can really think without interruptions about what you tell him. you should reassure that you do love him, and that you need to know how he feels so that you can know where you stand. that you need to be in relationship that is equal. this way you can find out if he really does love you and not just put the words in his mouth. i think he will come around, i think he just didn't know what to say when you said both things. so try not to stress too much, and try and really talk to him about how you're feeling. best of luck!

  23. thanx everyone, and no im not one of those girls whose insecure. i mean its just i think almost every girl at one point in her life is concerned with it. maybe its the same with guys and their sizes. but im happy to see that most people here are not just into girls with big breasts. and i agree that there are perks to both, but it is something on my mind, and its nice to get a variety of people answering this. but ya, i was wondering about a general concensus of personal preferences. thanx for all your input, more are welcome!

  24. hey. well i was wondering for all you guys out there, how important is breast size? i mean i see lots of posts about penis size, but i think that boys/men are more into size then we are. i was just wondering how important it is to you all. my bf is happy with my size but i personally would like to be bigger, but sometimes i wonder what should i be? what would you all consider fine for a girl my age? and for a fully grown woman? just curious! lol thanx!

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