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Posts posted by goddess23

  1. lol, HP, he was referring to christina 69 lmao. anyways, about making out for the first time. the best advice is to do what naturally comes to you and its true that if she likes you which she obviously does, she will love anything you do respectively. now about technique you were asking about. you didnt specifiy if you 2 have kissed yet. if not then its a little different, but making out....start with normal kissing, you hands should be caressing her face holding on to her shoulders or arms, even around her waist, just nothing too sexual that will make her feel uncomfortable. breathe through your nose and if you feel like you need air or something, stop for a second look into her eyes and kiss her face (cheeks, forehead etc) or her neck. now once you've been kissing normally for a little bit, open your mouth and pull on one of her lips, and slowly start introducing your tongue to her mouth. if she reciprocates then continue, since its the first time do it gently. try turning your head now and then so it doesnt get boring, and move your tongue around to explore. it will come naturally i guarentee you, i was nervous not too long ago but it wasnt so hard. now MUCH later, you can suck on her tongue but thats when you two are really comfortable when you guys have had many make out sessions but for now just stick with the above.

  2. hey. ok, i have personal friends who i witness go through this sort of relationship and it pisses me off. girls like that make me mad, because i think its wrong. honestly i think she does care for you, but i think the reason shes staying in the relationship is because she loves allll the attention you give her. she may just be in it for the gifts and attention. you need to talk to her and tell her exactly how you feel. i know its hard, and you could risk a breakup but if she doesnt care as much for you as you do for her then you're wasting your time and energy. you didnt mention if you ever told her before about how you feel, if you havnt then you should give her a chance to redeem herself, if not then i think you should tell her that you cant be with someone who cannot give you their love, trust and honesty. these little breakups are a sign that she starts to feel smothered by your attention and then getting back together is because she misses it. you need to step it down, treat her like you would a gf, but not a princess even though to you she may just that.


    seriously you yourself seem fustrated with the whole situation. i think this time you should suggest a break, tell her how you're feeling and see what happens. im sorry but a relationship like that is just not healthy. so try the above and best of luck!

  3. thanks hub! im one of those super mature teenage girls. sometimes i think that i think too much lol, but it seems to be coming in handy, and ive been giving advice on love to friends since like the third grade lol, and just this year is my first bf, so i waited awhile and so happy i did. its weird because even though i havnt been in relationships (except the one im in now), i do know the consequences of certain actions. and yes do listen ang, email me again if you need anymore help.

  4. hey for another, that really makes sense to me and i agree with you there. my bf always says its the whole package. i always try asking him what is something that he physically looks for in a girl (like i first look at a guys eyes, nice eyes totally get me going) and he said nothing in paticular, the girl just has to look good on the whole. so i get that, thanks.


    but still, i cant help but wonder if there is a minimum size that is necessary. like im glad to hear that you all are happy with a B!! yay!! lol, but what about A cups? i understand for another but what about other people? but its all good, i got my answers, but more replies are welcome, its been nice to hear that breasts arnt as important as i orignally thought.

  5. i agree with day about playing it cool with this girl. asking her about this guy is completely un necessary. if she was in a relationship then shes completely leading you on going on lunch dates and being really flirty with you.


    about your "dilemma", you said you're 24, say shes at the most 33, thats not much of an age difference considering the points you both are in in your lives. and im surprised you guys havnt brought up age already, but it really isnt a dilemma, it is something that you should bring up in the next "date" casually. like "you look so young to be working here, how old are you?" or something! honestly an age differencfe like that is nothing to worry about and if she does end up having a problem with it then obviously it wouldnt work out. at least your at a state in the relationship where if it "ends" now it wont be too bad. so just bring it up somehow, or even ask her if she has a bf, but just dont ask specifically about that guy. there are other ways like "so where do you live?", and conversation will naturally flow. im starting to wonder what exactly you guys DID talk about lol. but ya, its not a big deal, dont stress about it, as long as you're fine with it, all thats left is to let it be brought up naturally and casually. if she does have a problem, it will be clear.

  6. hey. listen, i know its hard, but the only thing you can do right now is give him space. it seems like the reason he ended it was because he was feeling smothered. even though he may still really care about you. honestly i would use an approach of not ignoring him, but dont be trying too hard. dont push it, dont keep asking him about it. you already have and he gave you his answer. so now you either move on (which is the best thing to do at this point, why should you just sit around waiting?!), or at least just let things flow naturally. be his casual friend, if he wants to talk, talk to him no problem, and if theres an issue that you feel you need him for fine, but dont be constantly on his back. i wouldnt be surprised if once you start doing this he'll start paying more attention to you and start missing you. you have to give him the oppertunity to miss you. i know so well how hard it is, but the way i got my current bf was by playing it cool like he was. it drove me insane, so when i did it, he came to me immediately. but after awhile it wares off, so use it wisely. the best thing to do is let things flow, and even though you love him, try and love him from afar for a little while. its fine to think about him, someone who you were with for so long obviously meant alot to you and vice versa. and he seems to really still care about you. from your post, that would be my advice, just try playing it cool now, like you're fine with just being friends. and sooner then later he may bring up getting back together. but dont get your hopes up too high, i dont know the details of your relationship but there was a reason it ended, so even while you do these things, remember you free and single and need to mingle. but the way it sounds, it was like he genuinely needed a break. just try to relax, things happen for a reason, and even if things dont work out, it will be hard but theres so much more in your life worth living, hes not your world, he was part of it and will always be part of you. appreciate that, embrace it. best of luck!

  7. uhhhhh.....YA i think she was implying that. honestly if you two were really close friends or something, then it could be just in a nice reassuring way. but from your post, it doesnt seem like that. so yes, you can rest your mind in knowing that she wanted you but she didnt want to cross any lines because she had a bf. maybe she was going through a rough time, and she turned to you as a crush. either way ya she did.

  8. Yes, but im referring to the specific topic not any that may come around. dressing provoctively and drinking yourself to unconsciousness is two differnt issues. and the very last statement, thats what im saying, she is partly responsible for what has happened to her. and i agree that it should be considered rape, im just saying that i believe that the girl has partially put herself in a position that makes her more suseptable to rape-as you said.


    but everybody has their own opinions and you're entitled to yours. and as i have mentioned before this is a touchy topic and one that is hard to truly judge when there can be so many factors that come into play in determining HOW WRONG it was, but i already said that it is wrong and that it is rape, but that she is taking a risk that she shouldnt be taking. and the world should be a place where you can dress anyway you want and walk down a dark alley way and not have anything happen to you but the world isnt that cotton candy place, and we have a responsibility to ourselves to at least respect our bodies.

  9. hey. well i guess i sort of understand what you're saying. i mean, the longer i hold out, the more intense and enjoyable it is sometimes. its like more intense, and i orgasm longer. but about the EMOTION to it...i dont think ive really felt that, but i think its alot better when i think about my bf and things we've done together.


    also btw, i dont feel comfortable talking to other girls about it, ill admit that. although it depends on the girl, but generallly speaking its hard. i also wanted to mention that ive never actually fingered myself, ill stimulate the area and touch but i never actually finger. i was just wondering if all girls do.

  10. ya you're right avman, that is misleading. as well, the fact about sperm outside the vagina, as long as its close to the mouth, it can get inside and you can get pregnant, but it is only likely if you're ovulating. but you have to consider your cycle. if your period is like 5 days, so say you're on day five, sperm can survive up to 5 days inside you, so its still ok, but if you were fooling around day 8 or 9, like a little after your period, there would still be a chance. but yes, you shouldnt worry in your case, because the chances are veryyyy slim. but just keep in mind the above for future.

  11. hey ya'll. as i said, i dont think its right, but i just think both parties are responsible. i agree that its sick for anyone to do something like that, and as jonny said, rape needs to proven. but its just i think a person should have some type of control over yourself. but i agree i havnt been a victim in this way, and its hard to compare, but its a tough situation. i just feel that people need to realize that there are sick people out there and even though its wrong, its wrong to drink yourself to the point of this state, this is disrespecting your body. but no doubt that its wrong for people to take advantage of anyone no matter how they are, but it really depends on individual cases, because it does need to be proven. but the basic story of a girl being drunk and a guy raping her is wrong. but the girl has put herself at a higher risk and that doesnt give anyone the RIGHT to do anything to her, but she has to realize that it would be partly her fault.

  12. ok, i understand that. but im not talking about girls that talk about nonsense, that would piss anybody off. ill admit that if im nervous that ill end up talking just so that there arent any awkward silences. but i mean if a girl is talkative and outgoing or flirtatious, it doesnt mean that she talks about stupid stuff, i just thought that some guys like the fact that the girl talks and they dont have to think about the conversation.


    i understand the logic behind the threatening part of it, and taking charge, those were very good explanations and totally gave me some answers. so thanx very much, that totally helps, but im surprised that it seems that there are more pros to the quiet girl vs the loud girl. if anyone has any more comments its very much welcome but that was a very good explanation.

  13. hehehe i think i started my own topic, but i really am curious. just because we're outspoken and not quiet or shy doesnt mean we're the bar scene type girls who arent "good". its just i know that i seem to intimidate guys but alot of them like me as well. its just its really confusing, and it still seems like guys feel its bad if a girl is like that.

  14. honestly, i believe you can be in TRUE love without finding your SOULMATE. you know theres a guy from my childhood, we were so young, we didnt date or anything, but it was so wonderful and i know that he was my first love-a true love, if i could i wouldve married him lol. but age is an issue because it forces us to separate. because we have to plan our future and listen to our parents meaning moving or not dating. i have moved on, but he holds a special place in my heart forever. i think its a shame to put a number on something like this. like santa, sorry but how can you say you're missing out on things, you should consider yourself LUCKY if you can find that one person from a young age and not have to go through heart break. is having sex with many people really worth it? i dont regret loving that guy, it did hurt, but it has made me who i am today.

  15. hey guys. well i noticed that all of you said you like quiet girls. i mean im a mix of differnt qualities but i am a flirtatious talkative girl. im smart and responsible and a bit of a nerd but im a real mix of qualities. i mean my bf is SUPER SHY, turns red at everything. but he said that he couldnt be with me if i didnt talk, its just do all of you prefer the shy quiet girl who pretends like shes a delicate flower? i mean i realize that everybody has diff tastes, but it seems like everybody here is saying someone quiet. im just wondering if all guys like the general typical girl of being shy and quiet. if thats something that is necessary. oh ya, and about accepting compliments, honestly for most of us girls that "dont" its because we dont want to come accross as stuck up, its not because we have a low self confidence, well some of us anyways lol. but btw, ill admit that i like a guy thats shy, but ive been attracted to guys that are not and are flirtatious like me lol, so i mean im just wondering if the quiet/shy girl is a necessity.

  16. hey im surprised its all guys answering this one. but for me, yes, love is very much possible at a young age, but as everyone has mentioned it is very rare. actually just recently all the couples around me have been discintergrating. its scary, me and my bf are very much in love, and have been dealing for almost 8 months now and he JUST turned 15. and i know that i love him and even if it doesnt work out, i will never forget him and that he has affected me in more ways then one. so dont be scared or hesitant about getting involved with a girl you like, but you should take my "signature" advice below. it does piss me off however the couples around me. it scares me that by the time im 18 all the guys i know will have stds and stuff lol because everybody changes partners so often and goes so far sexually without exploring one another mentally. so just make sure you really like the girl and just follow your heart. teenage love is probably one of the most intense and wonderful, yet one of the most devastating because it is true that its tough to keep them going long term. just follow your heart and be true to yourself. if you're not ready for a RELATIONSHIP thats fine, its good that you can admit that to yourself. but when the time comes then dont be doubtful of your feelings because of the age factor. generally speaking, love is not very likely at this age, but there are exceptions, and if you're mature enough you will be one.

  17. hey. first of all in defense of 16 year old girls (including moi lol), we're not ALL very immature. ill admit that most of them are, but im assuming you really know this girl if you love her. and the thing with age gaps is that maybe mentally she is very capable of having a successful realtionship with someone of your age, but its the responsibilities and lifestyles and parental restriction that could get in the way of an age differnece such as this. now as far as laws and stuff, thats something that you have to investiage depending on where you live, but this age gap is not too far fetched, and its totally possible to work this out. i think you should take it really slow though, you mentioned you're not really sure where you stand so take it slow, meet the parents, if you really like this girl the age diffence is workable. but you need to consider her lifestyle, her maturity and personality as well as yours.

  18. hey everyone. ok, now im a girl and im 16, my bf is a year younger then me which i know is not much and it hasnt posed any problems with our relationship, we're both eachothers first everything. but we recently started to fool around and get into stuff, not SEX but just fooling around and sometimes i think that hes 15 and that maybe i shouldnt let anything happen. we have talked about it and everything, but hes just happy with the whole thing lol. and also im going to grade 11 this sept, hes going to gr 10, and im just scared that when i graduate that it could be over. we've been dating for about 8 months now, and we're very much in love, but i see posts about people wanting to expereince more, like do you think that im holding him back? does this one year make a difference since im the girl and im older?? any comments or advice is appreciated! thanx.

  19. hey. well since some other ppl clarified the age legality then thats good. now about maturity--im 16 and im often mistaken for 18-22ish, both physically and mentally i am older lol. but i will admit that there are aspects that can get in the way only because of the responsibilities and goals that we are forced to have due to age. for example, she is in high school worrying about prom while you may be starting to enter the real world-working and living on your own, as well she may have restrictions with going out and stuff that will be hard for you to deal with. there will be some barriers--and even though she may be on the same level with you in her conversation and thinking, her age no matter what does doefine her LIFESTYLE right now. so you should go for it, go with the flow, see how its going, but you both should keep in mind the problems that may arrise due to the age diffence which isnt that much, but because of the point you're in in your lives does somewhat matter.

  20. hey. ok the way your relationship with her is now at this point, you will totally hurt and CONFUSE her by not calling. her computer is somewhat of an excuse to probably talk to you, or maybe she is really just interested in keeping the friendship. either way you should talk to her. you seem confused about your own feelings. if you think that no contact with her is what you need then you need to tell her and going to do this favour for her might be a good oppertunity. but you should convey the message that you're confused about how you feel, maybe theres still a chance you two could get together, i dont know, but i think you guys havnt put a real closure on the relationship. and obviously one of this amount of time is really tough to just let go of. but DO CALL HER, TALK TO HER, this idea you have is just going to screw you up, and hurt and confuse her seriously. good luck ok!

  21. hey hun. im sorry to say but it sounds like he doesn't LIKE LIKE you, as in a gf. like if it was a couple of days you could say hes a little confused or not sure...and has to think about it. but at this point i think you should just talk to him and tell him that its ok if he doesnt, but you need an answer so you can just move on from this. but thats why you need to do that because you never know, maybe he is REALLY SUPER SHY and unsure of how to handle this. you didnt mention either of your ages, so that might have an effect on it as well. so just talk to him again, but from what it looks like, i wouldnt get my hopes up TOO high.

  22. wow...dat was pretty....wow lol. well you said that she does a good job of hiding the whole fact that anything has happened between you two but does she ever flirt with you? have things changed AT ALL since that happened? it does seem like all she wants is a little fun, and if you want that then persue it a little. even if its a relationship you want, you could, i think its good that you ask if she wants to hang, and bring up what happened, dont totally ignore it pretend it never happened. see how that "date" goes. let us know, i would love to hear what happened.

  23. hey i posted a reply to a girl who was saying how she was in love and everything but she felt like she still wants to expereince the world. and not be tied down with ONE guy from so young.


    now im gonna tell you something similar to what i told her. truly think about how you feel about this girl and if you're willing to lose what you have over this need to experience something that may be horrible. then again, you could be very happy but the best thing that can happen to a person is to be in love and to have that love reciprocated. you need to really think about how you feel about this girl and if the urge to have sex or whatever it is with other girls is worth losing her. but at this point (you're much older then the girl who had this problem) you are not a little boy and you've probably made up your mind about your feelings so the only fair thing to do is to talk to her. tell her how you feel, maybe she feels the same way, and you guys should just take a little break and see how it goes. but she may be devastated by this idea and it might ruin it. but it could be a positive. but its the only fair thing to do for both of you. you need to talk to her. but you seem to be happy with the relationship so its sad that it might end because of a reason like this. but everything happesn for a reason and it might work out for the best. considering your age and everything, you should definitely talk to her and try to see how both of you feel about the relationsihp at this point. good luck!!

  24. hey and lol ya she can get turned on by that. trusting you means shes very comfortable and would probably be comfortable taking the next step with you. now this doesnt mean to go try anything lol but it is a sign of wanting to go further. and HELLO OFCOURSE dat means she likes you. she wants to be close to you, and that is reletively sexual especially at our age, and it just means that she likes you and really trusts you. us girls get turned on by a loving touch. when my bf plays with my hair its one of the BIGGEST turn ons. its a sign of not just wanting to get in my pants but looking deep into my eyes and respecting me enough to just do that and be content. and when he does that it makes me want him even more lol. so yes, do little things, stare into her eyes, PLAY WITH HER HAIR lol, she'll think you're the sweetest guy around, ofcourse you gotta keep up in other departments of care but you get the idea.

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