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Everything posted by lonesome0180

  1. I confronted her that i do not want to be a side dish. She says im not. I dont know
  2. Well I just had a 2 year relationship. It was very hard for me when my ex broke it off. I did the no contact rule. Let me tell you this works, kinda. She called me one day and asked me out to dinner. So we conversated. She told me she like some other person. But will always love and care for me. Till this day even though we are not together she still wears the jewelry i gave her and the pictures we have taken together still in picture frames. After the dinner we hung out almost everyday for the past 2 weeks. Now, yesterday the guy told her that he will give her time to think things through. But she still persists on hanging out with me. She told me she was little bit hurt from what he said and didnt listen what he had said to her over the phone. After she got off the phone she gave me this long kiss and said I love you. I still feel like bf/gf but no title or label. I know she knows that I want that. She told me only time will tell and let everything flow through. She would also call me for advice on her family problems and i have been supportive all along. No matter what she would call me if theres a problem, I would be the first one to call be called on. How long do i have to wait to be titled as bf/gf? thanks
  3. IM so confused. I just had a 2 yr relationship and my ex broke it off with me. It took 3 weeks for her to speak to me, after the break. Then all of sudden shes calling me and wanting to hang out almost every day. Still doesnt' want to have a relationship. The reason for the break up was that she needed space. NOw I dont know what it is. Any suggestions. Thanks
  4. Hello there, My friend was going away to the philipines and invited me over to the house. With out me knowing he also invited my ex gf and she didnt know either. I was very shocked. So I acted very calm and greeted her. She pretty much started of the conversation of what i did and so forth. She stayed for like 30 min and said that she had to go. AFter saying good bye to everyone , she came up to me and asked if i would walk her to her car. I said ok. I was in her car for about a 1 hr. talking about what happened. She told me that she still loves me and misses me. She hasnt ate or slept. She also missed the things we did in the past. Also, she is still wearing the jewelry i got her. She says that im always with her when she wears them. She held my hand for a long time and asked me if she can hug me. so i said yes. we hugged for a good 5 min. she was crying pretty much the whole time. She asked my permission that she can date other guys and hang out with people. I said you can, we are not going out. When she dropped me off i was ready to leave and she asked me if i can give her a kiss. I did , but only on her cheek and left. I told her i felt the same way also. In addition, she told me she has been thinking about and wanted to talk to me on the phone but she didnt have any courage to. She also asked if we can hang out. What do u think i should do now?
  5. We had a 2 yr relationship and she states we are in a break. She asked me to go out dinner with her and talk. Im thinking I should just act as a friend and dont act like a bf or try to get back out with her. Even though I want to, but I have to hold it back. So probably still needs space. Any suggestions. Thanks
  6. Hi there, I had a 2 year relationship and my ex gf decided she needed a break. In the course of the relationship she said that she loves me. We felt comfortable with each other and felt no shame. She was my gf and also my best friend. All of a sudden she tells me she needs a break and she needed to figure things out. Also stated that she was confused. Well the day before the break, she told me somethings bother her. I asked she said religion, food preparation. So, I told her that I would convert to her religion out of love, and I would learn to eat her food because I love her. She said that she feels comfortable and happy when she is with me and when she is not, she misses me. Her main question is, If I am the one, If we are meant to be? Another reason was that she said she lost the spark in the relationship and that she doesnt love me anymore. But says that she cares for me alot and misses me. After the break, she dedicated the Usher-Let it burn song to me and that she was confused and hurt. It has been nearly 2 weeks that I havent seen her. Every now and then she would email or instant message me that if I am alright and prayed that I did well on my exam. Now, we are going out to dinner in 4 days, what should I do. What should I say? You see you dont know what you have until you loose it. I think we took everything for granted for being so comfortable with each other. What happened to us? I miss her so much> I want her back to bad. I still love her. Can anyone help me?
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