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Posts posted by BreArna

  1. Yes give her the letter. Not really sure what else to say actually because looks like uve tried everything.. i guess you could jus try being her friend and being there for her so she can see what a great guy you are, and pray that her and this other guy break up lol.. I know its hard but u will learn to deal with it better in time, im not saying it gets easier cos thats not always the case, u jus learn how to handle it. Good luck mate!

  2. Hey everyone

    Im having a hard time dealing with losing a friend.. not through death either, jus through him deciding he doesnt wanna be friends, i cant cut contact with him totally cos hes my bf's nephew so i see him regulary and its hard, i feel like crying all the time. We were really close at one stage but its all fallin appart. Im totally crushed at his disicion because we had been getting on really well on messenger over the last few mths. How do i get over losing such a good ( at one stage) friend?

  3. She probably only paid attention to you because it was convienant to her, because u were at the house, sorry if that sounds mean but some people are just like that... meaning they dont make an effort because its all about them and whats easy for them if that makes any sense.. I dont know, maybe u could jus lay off.. no calls going over etc and see how things turn out.. if she likes u as much as she says, then she will get in contact

  4. Break ups are hard, especially when your the one with the feelings still. I think she is playing you by the way she goes out with other guys but still continues to do stuff with you when yous go out. This must be really hard for you, but i think you should try and start making a life for urself without her in it, looks like she is only thinking of herself. Good luck!

  5. People usually put u down or make fun of you when they are jealous or envy something you have or the person you are, i know its easy to just say ignore them, but i know its easier said then done.. But when someone puts u down or says something mean to you then just remember it is because there is something about you that they are jealous of and so they make u feel bad for it because they cant have it.. make sense ?

    Anyways good luck and i hope you feel better soon!

  6. This is pretty hard to give advice on.. I think if you really like him then do what he is asking and give him the time and space he needs to figure this all out, but to be fair to you set a time limit... 2mths 6mths or something like that and make that clear to him that u cant put ur life on hold forever while he deals with his issues, and stick to what u have set, otherwise he will know he can keep you at arms length and ull allow it. I hope that helped abit and good luck!

  7. hey sorry i cant help u become more positive, i also take blame for all the bad things that happen and worry about it for ages. I recently lost a good friend of mine because he said he didnt wanna be friends anymore ( long story behind it) i am totally heartbroken and naturally blaming myself and rackin my brain wondering what i did so wrong so i dont do it again in any other friendship.

    I hope someone can help u anyway!

  8. It happens to me aswell, not all the time.. but 95% of the time. I think its sorta like whne ur running or something intense like that and u stop really quick then u get alittle dizzy, so to help it ease abit jus make sure u lay down for atleast a few minutes afterwards and if u have to get up do it slowly, not really quick..

    I also found i felt like crying after having an orgasm lol not always but it happen abit.. and i thought i was weird but i found out its cos during those few seconds or whatever u lose control.. physcally and mentally so anything ur worrying about..money, family or even something that happened ages ago like when u were little or a fight with a friend or something can surface and u get emotional.. even if u arent sure why ur feeling like that.. cos its deep down and it was let out for a few seconds.. weird hey

  9. Thats just lying.. Because if you let them believe that then thats wrong of you.. But really its just a car, who cares!

    Its about personal choice, you can wear what makes you feel good and comfortable, so if a girl wants to wear a pushup bra that whats it got to do with anyone else.. if it gives a guy a false idea of what size she really is and then he finds out oneday the truth then his reaction will just show whether he is shallow or a decent guy

  10. Girls dont always wear a certain type of clothing just to impress a guy, you can wear something to give yourself confidence, its not all about impressing the opposite sex.. And cant someone wear something to make them feel good to themselves or whatever the case just because they want that feeling but not because they want a guys attention.

    Do you honestly believe that girls only get dressed up to attract a guy ?

  11. Okay a serious question here.. Are you and your girlfriend ready to have a baby ? because when having sex there is a good chance of that happening. I think you should both wait till you are atleast 16(legal age) .. 14/15 is so young to be doing something with soo many consequences

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