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Posts posted by BreArna

  1. If you have tried to do other stuff to get over him and move and you still arent then im not sure what to do , sometimes it takes alot of time to heal and move on especially considering you were with him for so long, have you considered counselling ? because it may be worth a try and i think ull find it very helpful.

    I hope things get better for you soon and im here to talk if you need it !

  2. sweetharmony they are married! you cant just walk in and outa a marriage, its meant to be forever!

    Anyway i think u should try and work on it, do everything possible to make things better, read Dr Phils relationship rescue , anything..Then if after uve done everything possible then and only then should u consider a divorce.

  3. Have you seen a docter and they actually said you had this ? I know a few guys that get sorta pimply warty looking things on there privates and they think its some disease when infact its just something that happens and isnt a disease at all!

    But in the case you do have HPV then you should for sure tell this girl about it because she could be giving it to others

  4. Seriously its not about who you would miss, cos youd be dead right ?

    THink about ur family and friends that lives would be soo effected if u did something like that and what itd do to them ?

  5. Im not sure.. if yous are really good friends then id think long and hard about starting something more with her.. Because more then likely it wont last forever.. so would u rather go out with her for awhile or have a good friend that lasts ?

  6. I really feel for what ur going through, i know the whole move on and get over it line is so easy to use when a friend is in pain.. but it doesnt really hlep much. Im in a situation with similarities to urs except i lost a friend ( a guy) not a boyfriend, but its still hard considering how close we were at some stage.. If u want to talk ill listen to you because i know thats really important, to jus have someone to listen.. seeya around

  7. My advice is to tell her that u want to be friends but you both need a few months break of no contact to heal.. if yous try and be friends straight away its so likely to fail and end in more pain.. Jus have a break for awhile then try to be friends, its had more sucess then trying straight away

  8. If you feel it best to cut any ties with ur ex then do it.. maybe even tell this friend that you jus need alittle time on ur own and ull contact him when things r cool again.. because he was there for you right, and good friends like that are hard to come by, maybe you could even tell him that you dont want to talk about the ex while yous are together. I wouldnt push the friend away tho

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