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Posts posted by BreArna

  1. What did ur sister say when she found out what happened ? If you really like him then have a chat with ur sis and tell her, i cant see why she'd care now that she has a boyfriend.

  2. She is being very open and honest about zach with you , id take that as a very good sign.. Im sure she can be friends with and ex and it be only that.. And its alrite if he makes her feel special, friends have a way of doing that. Ive been going out with my bf for nearly 7 years and i have male friends that make me feel special, just in a different way. I wouldnt worry if i was you , she sounds pretty honest

  3. Honestly i think things are going very good for you and ur ex, jus go with the flow basically, let her iniciate contact etc and make her feel comfortable. Dont try and analise everything to much , take it for what it is not whats underneath if that makes sense.. But really i think things look good for you both, even if yous dont get back together, there could be a friendship there

  4. I have found that guys are pretty honest and simple in there answers to questions.. If he didnt want to then he woulda said so , but saying he might means yea sure ill be up for that.. but without sounding so enthuseastic about it like a girl would when answering the same question..

    So id wait a few weeks and ask again so you dont seem pushy..

    Ok also the only exception here is that if you and him are very close and he has respect for you but doesnt wanna hang out then he will say yes to keep you happy and to avoid confrontation. Jus listen to ur instinct

  5. wow that sounds reallly weird of him, considering a week before he was asking a friend to be his groomsmen.. Maybe something happened that you arent aware of that turned him of marriage and kids.. you should try and find out because it may be something yous can work on .. Somethings happening in his head atm so u need to find out what.. Godd luck ! and really feel for you

  6. Im not sure where you are ( as in country) but where i am ( australia) if i send a email through my isp then i can tick a little box that says 'return receipt'.. so if he does open the email its sends one back saying he has opened it.. you should look into that if u wanna see if he is checking his emails or not..

  7. So this friend of yours is married ? and he has a lady friend that he wants to go riding with but wants your husband to tag alone ? How come he wants your husband to .. and why werent u and his wife invited ?

    Sorry it just seems alittle weird to me, if this lady was a friend of ur husbands and a friend of your friend then thatd be cool but i dont know it doesnt seem right to me.

  8. Umm dirty jokes,, depends really how dirty and who they are aimed at.. but usually i dont understand them anyway till agges after lol

    I dont mind talking about 'girly' things if im asked

    If someone i didnt like kissed me all of a suddne id be taken back ALOT and probably feel really disrespected in a way , but if i liked him then i wouldnt mind aslong as it was in a proper way and not all sleazy

  9. I tend to agree with kungfumaster because you are very lucky that you have found someone who wants to make u happy.. Your at the stage where ur thinking what else is there for you out there. Ive been through that stage with my bf, weve been together for 7 years and 3 kids.. he is absoluty everything i could ever want and i seriously doubt id ever find someone like him again but like you i did have doubts last year and considered ending it, but im sooo glad i didnt. I was totally sure i would be happy elsewhere but i know now that it was jus a phase and im glad its over, im sure everyone in long term relationships goes through this but unfortunately they act hastly and end it instead of waiting it out and hopeing and praying thatll itll all be good again. You have gone thought alot with ur guy so it shows that yous are strong and can over come this, i hope u can work this out and be happy because i doubt u will be happy if u let him go now

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