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Everything posted by curiousgeorge916

  1. Literally just go talk to him. A girl I was physically interested in (but never once talked to) came up to me about two weeks ago and said no more than one sentance, and I haven't gotten her out of my head since. Sadly, I'm too busy with school at the moment to go and pursue her, but I will not forget her for when I find the opportunity to go talk to her later on. So, don't worry, just go talk to him. It's much better than the both of you just sitting there wondering if the other is ever going to do anything about those shared smiles.
  2. Don't worry about being aggressive. After all, you wouldn't worry about calling up some girl you just met to hang out or go out to lunch, would you? No, so stop worrying about the sex difference, and realize this is just another person that you enjoy being with.
  3. Ok, I've only read about 1/3 of your post and already want to say "YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT!" but let me continue reading.... Ok, to start, these drooling guys I am SURE are jealous of you, so don't let your confidence be down. She is interested in you, if not romantically (yet) at least intellectually, which is a good start to romantically, so give it time. But, time will not make it happen alone, you will have to (as said by other posters) make some attempt to do something with her. I agree with the idea to go watch her perform. Perhaps introduce movies into your conversation, ones you haven't seen. Inevitably, ones in the theater will come up and she is bound to say one she wants to see. If you feel right about it, ask he to go with you, if not ask her anyway but with some other friends as well so it is not to intimidating like a date. Maybe bring her and/or friends back to your house, and if you wanna get cunning, have your friends get in on the plan and have them all leave your house to give you guys some alone time. That will get you two past the "hanging out with each other out of school" stage. After that, you are home free to pursue hanging out with her again, especially on your own. Of course there are plenty of more ways to go about this, the movie thing was just the simplest example I could think of. Whatever you do though, be confident, because after all, if you like this girl, then doing ANYTHING with her (friend or boyfriend) is good, so enjoy it. But flirting with her can definitely help. You seem to have already gotten past the hard stage, meeting her. Just take everything you already know and apply it to her. She wants to feel special, so make her feel that way. But if she doesn't play back, don't be discouraged, it only means she is not where you are yet mentally (unless of course she point blank tells you otherwise).
  4. I have to say, I'm not proud of it, but I am one of those people who is very excited to go hang/go out with people and then when the time comes I get all anxious and intimidated and have more times than I wish, ended up bailing out. Just thought I'd share that to give you hope that there are people like us out there, so you may just need to be more persistent, or maybe not ask her so far in advance. I personally am much more likely to follow through with plans made when I don't have time to dwell on them and get anxious, maybe this girl is similar!
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