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Everything posted by RainyCoast

  1. irregardless! (at least that's technically a word.....that negates itself....but...a...word)
  2. hearing/reading "per say". either look it up or just stick to what you understand.
  3. “People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.” ― Søren Kierkegaard
  4. “All a client has to do to thwart your efforts is nothing.” Adapted from King, 1992
  5. “You do not have to want to stop your current behavior in order to change, you simply have to want something else more.” Aldo Pucci
  6. The Blind Men and The Elephant I. It was six men of Indostan To learning much inclined, Who went to see the Elephant (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation Might satisfy his mind. II. The First approached the Elephant, And happened to fall Against his broard and sturdy side, And began to brawl; “God bless me! But the Elephant Is very like a wall!” III. The Second feeling of the Tusk, Cried, “Ho! What have we here So very round and smooth and sharp? To me it might be clear This wonder of an Elephant Is very like a spear!” IV. The Third approached the animal, And happened to take The squirming trunk within his hands, Thus boldly up and spake: “I see quoth he, “the Elephant Is very like a snake!” V. The Fourth reached out his eager hand, And felt upon the knee. “What this wondrous beast is like Is mighty plain,” quoth he; “’T’is clearly enough the Elephant Is very like a tree!” VI. The Fifth who chanced to touch the ear, Said: “E’en the blindest man Can tell what this resembles most; Deny the fact who can, This marvel of an Elephant Is very like a fan!” VII. The Sixth no sooner had begun About the beast to grope, Than sizing up the swinging tail That fell within his scope, I see quoth he, “the Elephant Is very like a rope!” VIII. And so these men of Indostan Disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion Exceeding stiff and strong, Though each was partly in the right, And all were in the wrong! MORAL So oft in theologic wars, The disputants, I ween, Rail on in utter ignorance Of what each other mean, And prate about and Elephant Not one of them has seen! -John Godfrey Saxe
  7. so has starbucks introduced their new #covfefe frappuccino yet?
  8. The fundamental problem of political philosophy is still precisely the one that Spinoza saw so clearly (and that Wilhelm Reich rediscovered): Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation? — Gilles Deleuze, Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia
  9. “For the thousandth time, Adele Collier, don’t open the closet door or you’ll get crushed!” ― Kellyn Roth, The Lady of the Vineyard
  10. Midston House What is needed is a technique Of conversation, I think, as I put on the Electric light. But not the limited Vocabulary of our experience, the Surface irritations which pile up, Accumulate a city, – but the expression, Metamorphosed, of what they are the Metaphor of; – and their conversion into light. On the bus toward Midston House I survey the people in their actions. Placid And relaxed are they; this is the humdrum Claptrap costume of girls and food, men And work and house. The insurance Of habit is circular, as Democracy has interlocking duties, Circular obediences. Yet how to transform The continual failing clouds of Energy, into light? The vital Intelligence of the man whom I am Going to visit – does he know? I Think how the sharp severing of My life’s task – severed associations, Produced in me almost a Lypothymia of grief and a hiatus of Days, which grew fangs of anger, my Lycanthropy – thank god, it’s over! I am fired from my job by flames, big As angry consciences; I can do Nothing; I have not one ability! This man Whom I am waiting to see in the lobby – All my life I am waiting for something that Does not eventuate – will he Exist? The law of life, like an abstract Rigorous lawyer, passes a terrifying judg- Ment on poor little me, in a strange foreign Syllogism. He is cheating me! He will not Keep the appointment! His probity Rebukes my suspicion. What can I say, that I love him; that I am un- Worthy? My doubt makes me feel, – Even as we discuss another’s dishonesty – Ugly, irate, and damned avid, a cunning Rascal, like that ugly bird of the White Nile. But the poem is just this Speaking of what cannot be said To the person I want to say it. I am sleepy with subtlety; the room strikes me as Dark, so cold, so lonely. There is No one in it. I will put on all the lights. I wish I could go On a long, on a long long journey To a place where life is simple and decent, not Too demanding. No! On the vehicle, Tomorrow, I will see That man, whose handshake was happiness. David Schubert, Works and Days, Quarterly Review of Literature, 1983.
  11. The Fifth Element, again. while any excuse to watch Milla is a good one (she has an interesting singing voice too, btw), and i love Gary Oldman's acting, i kinda wonder how any of them could keep a straight face while acting in that one. i always watch it for the DJ. Ruby's mannerisms are to die for funny.
  12. right...defenses. you eventually ran out of yours. i seem to be running out of mine. i'd like to see them gone yesterday frankly, and the chips fall where they may. i no longer care to keep anything at bay. l am not anxiously asking "but what if/ what when". i think i know the answers anyway. and it's...okay. it gets so overwhelming sometimes, the loss, some moments i can't contain it. i burst out in tears when my gaze fixed itself on my hands and they were...just like yours. your hands. it was seeks ago and still...your hands. so much to mend. that i don't hope for it to actually be mended. just....consistent integrity. anything else is just an endless defeat.
  13. literally physically unappetizing when they show up... the level of delusional grandiosity...the downright unintelligent bigotry....yuck. dysentery in human form. why don't you go demand respect for the fact you couldn't make it to the first rung of the evolutionary ladder somewhere else.
  14. yup, you are my people, lol. in fairness, i enjoyed the green mile, but who didn't.
  15. he got the CDC right down to a T though. LOL.
  16. stephen king's the stand (the plague part). other than momma abigail and rob lowe's character i hated everyone and everything about it. trash. all those "stephen king is a genious" people...not my people.
  17. omg loooook Cat Interrupts German Weather Report [video=youtube;lV3GI-tIdWs] ] he says it's their studio cat. they have a studio cat??!
  18. watching Les visiteurs for the 2nd time. pure 10/10. hilarious.
  19. has anyone watched the labyrinth with david bowie? is it worth 2 hours of one's time?
  20. watched shaun of the dead, funny! watched The Descent- crap.
  21. here's the pdf book btw if anyone fancies it has photos of griffin inside. link takes a minute to load but the file is intact. i think i'll watch the movie tonight.
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