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Is it wrong to still miss him after 6 years?

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Hello! This is my first post on here, so I hope I'm doing this right.


I dated my first boyfriend for a solid year in highschool (which isn't so long to me now, but was an eternity to a sixteen year old) and dumped him because I was going through personal issues that I thought he couldn't understand.


I have had several partners in the six years since then, but I can't seem to get him off my mind. He was the only one who treated me kindly, and the only one I ever felt so strongly for. We've gone separate ways in our lives now and I don't even know if he still lives in the area anymore.


Would it be inappropriate of me to try to contact him? Especially since I'm the one who broke our relationship off?

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Hi as someone who was with her guy for ten years and three years later still can't get him off my mind, I can relate! Some advice contacting will only slow down the process of moving on even more. If he wanted to contact you, he would have by now. I'm sorry it sucks! I know! It also sucks when they don't return your response. Learn from one broken heart to another, breaking no contact won't end the way you think.



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At this point you haven't found a proper relationship yet. In my opinion, the best way to stop missing someone is by finding someone else to love. I'm sorry to hear that you haven't found a decent guy yet since then, but I bet you will ;) Good luck

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6 years apart in my opinion is long enough time for someone to grow. Specially when they are young. Reconnecting with him after all these years shouldn't be a problem. Speaking on a guys perspective it would really have to do with how the break up went. If it was at worst neutral then go for it. I am willing to get that he will respond in some kind of way. If the break up was bad I would leave it alone. However it was 6 years ago.


If you really want to I would lean on a side of caution but go for it. Worst thing is no answer. If you can handle no answer then do it.

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I think you should contact him.

The fact that he has not contacted you does not mean he does not think about you.

6 years is a long time. I am sure he has grown into a better man. Plus you are in a better position now not to get too hurt if he rejects your advance.

Good luck though!

I wish to hear good story from your end soon!

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