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I need help pls :(((


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So I just started dating this guy back in January and you know the first three months are great he flirty and he worries for me and when we text he uses emojis a lot. It comes to around august we start changing or he does mostly. He a full time student and he gets a job now working with my dad. And his emotions change... now he always tired and moody and the whole emoji texting stops... so basically he usually say he working for us and I work to but not as crazy he does and then we start fighting a lot but on random . The fighting lessen now, but use to be worse. I will admit I am a horrible clingy woman and I can't control it... we would see each other everyday and now it's like not everyday but like every 3-4 days which find you need space... he trying to fix me trying push me get a licenses and get a better job. Which I know it's something I need to work on but the love worries me... I mean we still have sex and it's passionate but I wanna know if I'm just crazy and need to relax I just feel like the love isn't as crazy good as it use to be.. he not all over me anymore and it's scares me even though he tells me he not going anywhere... I just still get scared and idk what to do

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Well, I've been in a position where I worked a lot and I was too tired to see anyone or talk to anyone after work. I lost a couple of potential girlfriends that way, but I was saving for a car and then a house, and I finally found a girl who understood that and was patient. But I still got that phone call from her when I had worked 2 weeks straight without a day off and she asked me if I was breaking up with her. I had told her I was going to be working 2 60+ hour weeks, but she was still afraid I was cutting her off. I realized I had to make time for her or lose her.


It sounds like your guy is in a similar situation. He's going to school, working for your father, and he's still seeing you. And he's tired. I think you've got to take all that into account. And the relationship is mellowing. The honeymoon period is over. You're shifting into the "making a relationship work" phase. As long as you're not fighting with each other, you should calm down and see where it leads. Try to cut him some slack. Maybe take the initiative and you be the one to hold his hand, massage his head or rub his back. You don't want to push him away by acting crazy.

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