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Running into EX-es and their families/acquaintances

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I had a break up about 2 months ago. It was pretty bad. He first tried to initiate the break up with me by saying I neglected him and he's done with me. (You see my father had died, and I was in mourning/therefore I neglected him... smh). But his story wasn't adding up, he kept trying to make me the reason for our break up. I wasn't buying it. Turns out he cheated on me with a coworker of his. I basically said I never wanted to see him or talk to him again, blocked his phone # and everything. When I said my final good bye, he told me to call him when I get home, and I said nope you're never going to hear from me again. Then guess what he did... he called the cops on me because he was "worried" I was going to hurt myself. I told the cops that I was getting ready to have dinner with my family and then go to bed. The cops said they had taken his call seriously because the ex was bawling his eyes out (he's 31) and he ran to his parents house and cried to them. Apparently he told everyone I was going to hurt myself. I'm so disgusted by the entire thing, I have not spoken to him since that last "encounter".


Unfortunately I live like 20 minutes away from him and I try to avoid that whole area because I don't want to accidentally run into people in his life or even him. Thankfully I don't ever need to go in that area because nothing there interests me.


Anyways, how do I handle it if I do run into him/his acquaintances/family members/friends etc. Honestly, I don't think I can look at anyone of them in the eye, the behavior disgusts me.

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Agree with Miss Canuck and No1. You say "hello" and keep on walking....(because you have stuff to do with other people these days!)


I ran into a friend of the ex at a party and she asked if I still talk to my ex. I caught myself before I told her how I really felt and instead said, "We've only talked a few times and it sounds like she's doing well...which I'm happy for her." and then changed the subject. For me, it took a lot of self-control but was the best thing to do because every fiber in your body wants to let them know what kind of hell the breakup was.....and that's not going to do anything for anyone.....

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If you see him, try to either avoid him seeing you or just shrug and go about your day. But if he tries talking to you, keep it short. You don't have to be sweet if you don't want to be. You have every right to feel whatever you want to feel.


True this is probably what I'm going to do. I was thinking about a hardcore "pretend you dont exist" but thats probably not cool.


You just say a quick hello and keep walking. Nothing more.


Sounds good.


If you see his family or friends and they see you or try to initiate contact, it will probably be awkward even if they like you. But you just gotta go about your day. Don't think too much of it.


Yeah his family did like me, but when he went crying to them and LIED about stuff to them and the cops, who knows now. They might pity me for the lies he said. ugh


You get to decide how much you want to alter your life for people who don't matter and whether you'll want to minimize or magnify any given event. I'd develop a convenient case of amnesia and respond as graciously as I would toward any stranger who greets me on the street.


hehe I like that.


Why on Earth are you even worrying about that? If you run into them, then just be you. Be polite and if anyone ever asks you what happened? If you want to answer you can just say "it didnt work out"


Why wouldn't I worry about that? I think because of the circumstances of the break up, I have anxiety because of it.


Agree with Miss Canuck and No1. You say "hello" and keep on walking....(because you have stuff to do with other people these days!)


I ran into a friend of the ex at a party and she asked if I still talk to my ex. I caught myself before I told her how I really felt and instead said, "We've only talked a few times and it sounds like she's doing well...which I'm happy for her." and then changed the subject. For me, it took a lot of self-control but was the best thing to do because every fiber in your body wants to let them know what kind of hell the breakup was.....and that's not going to do anything for anyone.....


Thanks for all the replies guys. It's just annoying knowing that I might run into him every time I step out of my house.

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