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I have a 23yo friend that just dumped a girl because his over-protecting parents didn't approve her


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So this guy lives with his parents. he doesn't earn enough yet to move out, but even if he would, he wouldn't move because in our society people don't do that until they marry so his over protective parents would freak out.


Now, recently my friend found what seemed to be the love of his life. He dated her for 1 month -the happiest of his life-, but then dumped her because his parents told him to. The reasons given are not rational (even kinda racsist) and don't mean anything to my friend but he says he'd rather find someone else than have to have potentially long lasting conflicts with the parents.


It seems to my that this guy has a toxic relationship with his parents. Is that so? What can be done to help him? Does my friend have like a real mental trauma? Should I convince him to fight for the girl?

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It's perfectly valid to break up with someone because they aren't a good fit with your family. Your friend actually expressed it pretty well - he'd rather "find someone else then have to potentially long lasting conflicts with the parents". While that may not be the choice everyone would make - it is still a valid choice - and I think it especially makes potential sense after only dating 1 month.


I'm not sure why you feel so strongly about his dating choices? He is free to date (or not date) whomever he chooses and if family approval is important to him, so be it. It's not all together s horrible idea. Strife between your partner and your family makes life that much more difficult.


Edited to add:

It's only really in the western world where we value and choose our partners on the idea of romantic love, and often ignore other areas of compatibility. In many other parts of the world, partners are chosen based on perceived compatibility and romantic love is something that develops and follows. I think that everyone agrees that ideally you want both - but there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to choose a partner.

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Your friend can do whatever he likes -- if he stops living off his parents, goes out and gets a job and stands on his own two feet and gets an apartment or roommate situation. It's their house, it's their rules. He's a big boy. I guess being a moocher is more important than being with the "love of his life."

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