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Don't see a point anymore


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I've felt this way for a few years now. It's been on and off but I just don't see a reason to live anymore. Nothing is going right and I can't help but mess everything up. In school one of my classes might get split because there aren't enough people taking it. That was the only class I was looking forward to and now it feels like there's no reason to go anymore if I'm getting switched into a class I don't want. I'm already so stressed out and it's only the second week of school. I put myself in a situation that I can't handle and now suicide feels like the only way out.

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Now, now. Put that out of your mind. School puts a lot of pressure on students, but when you graduate you will find out that it doesn't matter that much. The real world operates completely differently than the academic world and in a year or two when you meet someone new, and you get a good job, and you have your own money to do whatever you want to do, you'll say, I'm glad I didn't do it.


Since you've been suffering this for a long time, you should see a doctor and see what he recommends. There are happiness pills you can get temporarily to get you out of this funk.

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OP, please do seek emergency counseling services. Find out if there is some such thing on your campus, or find a hotline in your area.


I understand you're under a tremendous amount of stress, but school is temporary. This will pass. Please think of your family and good friends, for whom I'm sure you are an important person.

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