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Am I in the wrong here?


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In bed this morning my boyfriend and I were sleepily fooling around and after obvious hints from me he initiated foreplay. I was enjoying it and really getting into it when he slowed down and stopped. It really annoyed me so I turned over in a huff, perhaps slightly immaturely, but i couldn't help it. He eventually asked me what was wrong, and if I was angry at him for touching me. I said no, I'm angry because you're lazy for not finishing it off. An argument ensued, he said I was ungrateful of the affection, I said he was selfish for thinking it's fine to get me going and then stop. He said "... are you saying this on purpose to make me not like you?" which really hurt and made me madder. He can't see how frustrating it is. Now we're not speaking and he seems mad at me and I'm not sure whether I've been the selfish one. I feel like if this guy adored and loved me he would have wanted to keep pleasuring me, and even if he was too tired to carry on, he'd at least be more understanding when he can see I'm upset instead of turning it around and acting like I'm a pain in the ads for wanting to be intimate. sorry if this sounds petty.

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When he was giving you foreplay... did you showed enough how much you like it from him ?

Did you tried to touch him too?

I am asking bc my bf did this to me in past too. I was sooo upset. And he would not tell me why he stopped.... but i guess that i hitted on him when he didnt have apetite, and so he felt like he have to do that.

To be honest i was thinking about it a lot -why? He should be happy.... there are womens can keep man away for months and he is stopping a foreplay?;D


In bed this morning my boyfriend and I were sleepily fooling around and after obvious hints from me he initiated foreplay. I was enjoying it and really getting into it when he slowed down and stopped. It really annoyed me so I turned over in a huff, perhaps slightly immaturely, but i couldn't help it. He eventually asked me what was wrong, and if I was angry at him for touching me. I said no, I'm angry because you're lazy for not finishing it off. An argument ensued, he said I was ungrateful of the affection, I said he was selfish for thinking it's fine to get me going and then stop. He said "... are you saying this on purpose to make me not like you?" which really hurt and made me madder. He can't see how frustrating it is. Now we're not speaking and he seems mad at me and I'm not sure whether I've been the selfish one. I feel like if this guy adored and loved me he would have wanted to keep pleasuring me, and even if he was too tired to carry on, he'd at least be more understanding when he can see I'm upset instead of turning it around and acting like I'm a pain in the ads for wanting to be intimate. sorry if this sounds petty.
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Considering it was morning...maybe he really was tired and didn't have the energy to keep going. It happens. Sometimes even guys just aren't in the right frame of mind physically or mentally. Making this out to be some test of his love is an over-reaction.


I think the way you handled it was not appropriate. You could have simply asked him if he wasn't in the mood instead of calling him lazy. If I were you, I would call him and talk it out.


My sense is that there is something more to this and your resentment/anger towards him spilled out this way. How's your relationship been in general?

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Ask yourself if a man said to you 'Im angry because you're lazy for not finishing it(sexual act) off,' if that would be ok. Clearly its not. So why is it ok for you as a woman to speak to a man that way? Why don't you try putting yourself in his shoes and asking how it would feel if a man said that to you? It would hurt wouldn't it. Thats how he feels right now.


It sounds like you don't yet have the empathy and communication skills for a sexual relationship. I'm guessing your quite young. Maybe spend some time growing and learning first.

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Lot of context missing. No idea how long it was taking, how mutual the interaction was, etc. It's one thing if he spooned up to you and rubbed for like 5 seconds and then said "psyche!" It's another if it's been so long his wrist was cramping up.


In any case, your go-to shouldn't be to turn over in a huff. Your guy's got more patience than me still electing to try talking about it after that. I'd have just rolled my eyes.

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Maybe he thought that was all you were up for. Or maybe he was going to carry on when he thought you were both ready for more ... after all you did say you were "sleepily fooling around". As was mentioned above, it seems a silly thing to fall out over. All you had to do was ask why he had stopped instead of turning your back on him. He obviously misread your reaction because he thought you were angry for touching you.


We are only getting a small piece of information here. The fact that he said "are you saying this on purpose to make me not like you?" makes me wonder if there is more to this story and whether your reaction is somehow connected to that.

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I'm angry because you're lazy for not finishing it off.


Your immediate response was name calling? Yeah, I'd call that 'in the wrong,' and it's not exactly a mood enhancer.


If you haven't yet grown the maturity to communicate frustration without insult, then I'd question your readiness to cultivate and maintain a lasting relationship--at all.


Loving sexual partners are on the same side, and you've treated this guy like an adversary. Why would it surprise you if he becomes one?

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Enthusiasm goes a long way when another person is involved. It really doesn't when you are alone. Sometimes a partner just isn't on the same page. Getting in a huff won't help the matter at all. If anything it will cause future issues. Instead go the other way. If they still don't respond well try again later. If this always happens you might not be compatable. Good luck

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Oh jeez, your blue ovaries (yes, that is a term) sounds like such a miserable experience to have to endure! I mean, how could anyone do this to you! How dare he, as he growing bored of sex or the sexual position you guys were in is in such spite of your needs and emotions! He clearly must think nothing of you, less of you! Surely he is thinking of how such a rotten piece of trash you are for wanting to finish the moment!


Listen, an intimate partner, unless you have done something very special and giving for them, does not owe you anything. You don't deserve sex. The people on this board don't deserve sex. Hell, I don't deserve sex! It's an experience that comes and goes, and as all pleasurable things in life do, sometimes it suddenly stops. Deal with it, you're not always going to have your way. If you can't deal with it, then duck tape your mouth and isolate yourself in a cabin where no one can hear or find you. If you can't change, you're toxic.

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