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My girlfriend and I have been dating for a while now, and she has always been very self-conscious about her nose. She has mentioned that she's considered plastic surgery in the past, and I've reassured her multiple times that she doesn't need it. However, the truth is, I don't really like her nose either, and I think that plastic surgery could be a good thing. I don't know how to tell her this without hurting her self-esteem, though.

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Don't tell her you don't like her nose..you've already reassured her it's ok. Some times little white lies are a good thing if it helps someone to feel better.

I personally think any plastic surgery for vanity lessons is a bit extreme. It would be a different story if it was because she was having trouble breathing out Of it

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She's likely to bring it up again. If and when she does, tell her if that will make her happy then do it. Win win. She gets the nose she thinks she wants and you don't have to be the bad guy telling her she should. However, it's the same nose she had when you started dating her.

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My husband has physical traits that I love, but certain of his body parts aren't all that great. I would never tell him that. The only point of that would be to hurt his feelings. You obviously asked her out, so her nose can't be a turnoff for you. If she mentions it again, tell her that since it bothers her so much, since she brings it up all the time, you will go with her to a consultation to see whether or not it's a good idea for her.

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She's likely to bring it up again. If and when she does, tell her if that will make her happy then do it. Win win. She gets the nose she thinks she wants and you don't have to be the bad guy telling her she should. However, it's the same nose she had when you started dating her.

Close, but no cigar. When she brings it up, ask if it would make her happy to do it. She'll give the same answer but then it's like her decision instead of yours, so you have no responsibility. that's Win-win-win!

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