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Inappropriate Laughter.


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Hey guys,I just found this forum and it's quite the goldmine of helpful information.

I've got this thing that I've done for a long time and I just realized the other day how disturbed it can look to someone who might perceive my behavior in a way I really didn't intend for. Let me explain: I was visiting my grandmother in the assisted living home she lives in. Anyway I've become a 'usual' visiter and I sort of befriended some of the staff there and I talk to them when I visit.

During this specific visit I was with my mom and we were talking and everything was pretty light and fine and then somehow the topic of the death of an infant baby came up ( I have no idea how we got there) . Probably one of the saddest things that can happen to a person. And I caught myself kind of chuckling as if someone had said something funny, but of course it wasn't. Thankfully I don't think anyone noticed -that- time but I thought about it and realized I do this kind of thing a lot and I really don't mean to,I just get uncomfortable with heavy topics like that and it's a nervous thing I think. Does anybody else do this and is there any way to become more comfortable with this? obviously it can lead to some seriously bad impressions on people.

Thanks guys!

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My boyfriend laughs inappropriately at times for the same reason you do: discomfort. I don't think you're that weird. It's a coping skill. He developed it during a childhood in which he was emotionally abused and screamed at and laughing was his way of deflecting and coping.


The only things you can do is to learn how to better suppress or stifle the laugh. Or try to channel it into another behavior. Like taping your finger even.

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Nervous laughter is quite a normal thing I think. Obviously yeah it doesn't look good to other people. When you feel like laughing or feel it coming in just distract yourself, start training your brain to think 'this isn't the time to laugh' take deep breaths etc.


The worst thing that ever happened to me was when my sister just came in my room and told me my grandmother had died. I burst out laughing with shock and then it kind of sunk in and it turned to crying. I think that was more hysteria though.

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That's quite alright. It's that when someone brings up something pretty heavy or that most people will find very sad or have a very obvious sad reaction to I'll smirk or giggle instead of being sad like the people I'm talking to. It's happened before when people brought up the death of a pet or their relative. When someone I know did die I was able to express true sympathy to his wife and say I was sorry to hear about it,etc. I just don't like to appear sad in front of people,mostly the casual "how-ya-doin" people and instead of the usual reaction it manifests as a dumb laugh thing,and I look like an idiot. I definitely do not want to appear to laugh, no sir. I guess if I brought this up to a counseller they would tell me I have issues connecting with people,I don't know.

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I used to do this. My sense of humour can still be a bit warped from time to time - I don't think there's any harm in a little dark comedy. But nervous laughter was one of my little failings that I successfully overcome.


The most practical advice I can give is what SapphireNoir10 has already outlined: practice relaxing, and tell yourself to take things seriously. I wish I could give you a more detailed account of how I got over this, but I'm at a loss. I'm confident you don't need professional counselling, at any rate.

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Oh ,No no I didn't mean I needed counselling. I was just speculating that it could be a sign of not being comfortable with the whole showing sadness and connecting with people thing.

I appreciate the advice and I guess it's just something to consciously pay attention to and acknowledge for a while and hopefully it'll go away.

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your laughter is a defence mechanism. it helps to keep the discomfort away. its not strange but i can understand why you are concerned about it.

try to figure out why you are so uncomfortable with the topics you laugh about, if you understand why you feel uncomfortable then there wouldn't be a need to laugh it off. and also just explain it to your parents and anyone else if they talk to you about your laughing at depressing topics.

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