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Seeing a deceased loved one in dreams..

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Do you think that seeing a deceased love one is a dream is them speaking to you?


I have had 3 dreams about my gran and they all included her being a ghost sat talking to me about how much she misses me and she was saying im not here anymore i hope you will be okay.


Just writing about this makes me cry with happiness to think she is still here in spirit and can speak to me this way, its beautiful.


Its a year since my gran died today, i still love her and miss her more than words can say.


Do you guys agree this is her way of communicating?

Have any of you have similar dreams?

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I occasionally dream about my grandad who past away way back in 1994. I would like to think he is trying to communicate with me but I don't know. I was incredibly upset when he died even though I was only 11 and I was close to him.


The dreams themself don't really have any messages, infact I can't even remember him talking to me in them. It's more like his presence is with me in the dream or I see him somewhere. I'm getting goose bumps as I type this lol!

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I have surely had similar dreams in the past. My grandmother has been gone now 19 years.


I haven't experienced these dreams in several years, but there was a time in my life I was having to make some difficult decisions (usually involving relationships), and a likeness of my grandmother would appear. Our conversations wouldn't be very deep, I'd do most of the talking, and if I said something particularly profound or something she'd agree with, she'd nod her head or answer back "yes" to me. If she didn't agree, she'd say "no", and if I'd go on a tirade about my current dating partner or someone I knew in the past, she'd always say, "Oh, he's an a-hole! Forget him!" Funny enough, in real life, she would have said the same thing. She had a fondness for raunchy and bawdy talk that I always found funny.


Towards the end of our conversations, I'd always ask, "what should I do?", and inevitably, her answer would be, "you know what to do".


I am unsure if this was indeed her spirit talking to me, but after such experiences I would wake up feeling tremendously at ease and at peace, feelings I could not have had after a real-life conversation with someone.


Now I'm wishing she'd come back and talk to me some more...

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I had a dream like that shortly after my grandfather passed a few years ago. It was about 2-3 weeks after he passed and I dreamt he came into my room and was near my bed and talking to me. I can't remember now exactly what he said but I knew when I woke that he had come for a visit.


Not too long ago, my son (he's eight) and I were watching "The Sixth Sense" and there is a part when Bruce Willis' wife is sleeping and he comes to talk to her and she can hear him because he is deceased. I was talking to my son about it and he said that "Pop" came to see him when he was sleeping once. Said that he was a very nice young boy and that he wished he had a chance to meet him. It took my breath away, because I had never discussed my dream with him and that was something my grandfather would have said for sure.


So, yes, I do believe that after death there is another dimension or way for that kind of energy to communicate with us since we are energy also. But it really depends on what you believe personally.

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Hi there, hopefully I can give you some comfort here although of course I can't say 100% for sure about what happens after death etc. I am a practising white witch, basically I do spells sometimes and I read up on different ideas about death and ghosts. I have read on more than one occasion that when you dream of a deceased loved one this is called a "visit". It isn't so much a dream, as your loved one coming to visit you from the spirit realm. I am not completely sure about the ins and outs of it all but that's what I believe it is, and is what I have read quite a few times.


I think you have been having visits

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I've had dreams like this, for sure. I'll start dreaming about my dad and he'll often give me some comfort or a few words that get me back thinking about what I need to be doing.


I don't believe it is literally him, I happen to believe it the part of him that has been passed on to me that is shining through in those dreams. He lives on in me; literally.


But regardless of personal belief about it - I really like those dreams! Glad you can get some comfort and time with your gran that way, that is awesome.


Big hugs to you.

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My ex husband died 5 months ago and I have dreamt of him, just once though- I dreamt that he came back to life for just a few hours so that I could say to him what I needed to say.


They say that the level of consciousness that a soul exists on is the same level of consciousness that you sink into when you dream. So yes, it is entirly possible that a spirit can visit and communicate to you in your dreams.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When my soulmate died, about a week after I had 2 dreams that I remember vividly. My dreams are really never clear or make sense but these 2 were probably the best of my lifetime. I knew it wasnt a "normal" dream b/c nothing really strange happened in them, like you know nobody pulled their brains out of their nose. And also because they were so real and clear. I am 99% sure that this is one means of communication after death. I havent had a dream since then that I can remember and this happened about 2 months ago. I bet your gran is just keeping in touch, and showing you a sign that she isnt "gone" - shes out there

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 months later...

my pa passed away in 2006 and he came to me in a dream it was weird. we where at my high school that i went to and we where running from somthing andsuddenly we just stop and sit down and i asked him "are you ok??" and his like "yes i am, im really happy now im in a better place i want you to tell everyone that im alright, and i miss you." then i woke up...


my fiance also passed away last year in april 2010 the morning he passed im pretty sure i didnt sleep but i closed my eyes for a second and i saw two people walking away from me. one was my partner and the other was a lady with short curly redish hair they where holding hands and she said to me "dont worry his safe now ive got him." i opened my eyes and woke my mother to tell her and she informed me that it was her mum. the lady that was looking after my partner. i new new my nan she passed away when i was 2 and i didnt no what she looked like mum showed me a picture of her and i tripped out hard. couldnt believe that happened..


i also had a dream about my partner a couple of months later that he faked his own death just to trick everyone. coz i went to his familys house coz his brother called me and said he had a surprise for me. so i went over there and there he was sitting there with his big smile. in my dream he thought that it would be all cool and alright that he faked his death but i went off my head at him yelled at him and said how could you do this. you leave me here all alone and a couple of months later you think you cana just walk back in and think where all happy familys again i dont think so. then i woke up.



another night i was just dozing off to sleep and when i was about to fall asleep i heard a voice loud as day and it was my partners voice and he said to me "who are you seeing?" and i said "no one." not realizing what i was saying i was just starting to see someone.... then i cryed as you do. and fall asleep.



i havnt had a dream that i can remember about him now for a few months.

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I think it's possible that dreaming of a loved one can have special significance. My mom once had a vision of her mother (who had died a few years before) standing in bright, bright white light and angels. My grandma told her that everything would be okay and that she is very happy in heaven.


Another time, I dreamed that my grandma was protecting my older sister and me from danger. The next morning I woke up and was told that something major had happened to my brother-in-law (he had married my sister the day before). But my sister and I were both safe.


One time my aunt dreamed that her mom (my grandma) told her "call *street address*" The address was where my aunt's brothers lived. My aunt called and sure enough, my uncles' garage had burned down. One of my uncles had been taking a nap when it happened, but woke up because the phone rang. The answering machine picked up and there was a soft voice whispering something. He couldn't make out what was said, but we think it was his mom trying to save him.


I once dreamed of my twin sister (who died at birth). I wore a blue shirt and glasses and I was about to leave a store. I looked back and saw someone who looked just like me, except her shirt was a lighter blue and she wore no glasses. So I went to talk to her. She seemed hesitant, even shy, and she didn't speak. I hugged her and said lovingly, "My twin." When I woke up, I felt so peaceful. I really do think it was my twin sister reaching out to me.

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  • 9 months later...

I think it is completely normal to see a loved one you've lost abruptly in your life, just your brain way of dealing with it, and trying to sort the information in the right place. I would dream of my family and farm life all the time when I suddenly moved off the farm to a city. Even that can be quite the adjustment from seeing your family everyday to rarely.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My mother committed suicide 2 years ago and i often have dreams where im going up stairs to what seems to be an apartment and she opens the door and we talk. I never remember what is said and I never go inside the door. It is a way of coping with not having that person in your life. I like to think that i have all these wonderful conversations and get good advice from her that guides me in my day to day life.

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