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Seraphim last won the day on January 24

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Community Answers

  1. Unfortunately got a hair cut it is a disaster. It will be 6 weeks growing out before it can be fixed .
  2. Tomorrow my girl will be your 13th Angel Day. 👼
  3. I got my first pay cheque from my new job yesterday. I was surprised at the amount . The ministry of transportation also approved to transfer my driver’s licence from a G to a B license. So I have to do the written test do all the practice with the school bus and then take the driver’s test.
  4. It sounds like the difference between puppy love and a mature relationship with mature adults. I have been married 30 years and together almost 35, the crazy soul stirring early love becomes more mature and stable .
  5. Yay!! Hubby got his posting message today. Another year at B but thankfully another unit .
  6. It was scary for sure. One was when I was 12 and the house had been empty for a while and we moved in with our mom and her best friend and her kids. Some guy walked in at 7 AM with a blow torch. Second time I was 17 and we had gone to the movies as a family came back and went into my room and some guy was crawling in my bedroom window.
  7. I have been having horrendous dreams lately, like violent gory horrific dreams involving family, family I love. Things that would never happen. I also am having dreams of home invasions at our house . As a kid we had people break into our house twice . It horrifies me so much I always triple check to make sure doors are locked before bed.
  8. Thank you. It has been much better for both of us I think. I am glad I didn’t back down from my boundaries though. A decade ago I would have and just stewed in misery . I am so glad my 50’s brought me confidence and knowing who I am and that I am not being unrealistic or selfish in asking people to respect me and my boundaries. I also have misophonia so her constant need to fill silence with yapping drives me INSANE, I mean to the point of rage. So I asked her to please stop.
  9. My mom and I are getting along better . We have had our dust ups though. I told her to STOP complaining and whining and be grateful for everything and everyone we do have. Also stop trying to fill silence. Silence is allowable and necessary. I went away last weekend to see my husband and say goodbye to a friend who is moving 10 hours away. When I came back she was a changed woman. She has started participating and doing some clean up and arranging and getting her own coffee and washing dishes etc. It is a great change and I thanked her for improving the place from when I left . So thankful she has cheered up.
  10. There is a young moose walking around town.😵‍💫
  11. 39 years ago today I graduated high school. 😵‍💫
  12. My baby boy. It is so hard to believe you left this world 17 years ago. It doesn’t seem that long . We miss and love you. ❤️
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