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    The Best Relationships Are Play, Not Work: A Case For Play Dates With Your Partner

    There's no denying that relationships can be hard work. After all, when two personalities come together, different experiences and perspectives are part of the mix. Add in everyday stressors like family matters, financial issues and other aspects of life, and it creates a recipe that can be challenging to navigate.

    That's why it's important to take some time for play. This can look different for everyone, but ultimately, it's an opportunity to let go of the stressors and just enjoy each other's company. Whether you're newly dating or have been married for years, taking regular breaks from the intensity is essential for any relationship. Here we'll take a closer look at the case for play dates with your partner – and why the best relationships are play, not work.

    The Benefits of Play

    When we play, we cultivate qualities that strengthen relationships, including communication, trust, connection, empathy and security. It also opens the doors to creativity and promotes feelings of relaxation and joy. That feeling can encourage more conversations that are lighthearted and carefree, and these types of talks can offer insights into underlying issues.

    Creating play deals a different form of intimacy than physical experiences. Cultivating play is more about a mutual mindset shift – an open invitation to both participants to freely express themselves within playful parameters. It creates a space where shared joy trumps fear, shame and guilt.

    Getting Started

    Every relationship is unique, so figuring out what kind of play works best is key. Choose something that both of you can enjoy, and avoid anything that could bring up divisions. Embrace the idea of ‘losing yourself in it’ and see where it takes you.

    Those with kids can incorporate play by scheduling a weekly date night. Couples without kids can choose regular nights or afternoons for fun-oriented activities. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    • Take a cooking, baking, painting or pottery class together.

    • Get active with a game of tag, hide-and-seek, Frisbee or bowling.

    • Have an outdoor picnic or head to a cafe or restaurant with a relaxed vibe

    • Go to a concert, sporting event, movie, or comedy show.

    • Make time for talking, cuddling and enjoying each other’s company

    Playing together is an excellent way to combat the monotony of day-to-day pressures. Remembering to keep life light and fun can ensure that relationships last and stay strong over time. So don't shy away from taking the time to invest in play and watch as your happiness grows.

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