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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    How Can I Learn to Trust Again?

    I feel like the walls of my trust have been destroyed. Despite the support of those closest to me, I am unable to build it back up. Every time I find myself getting close to someone, I rethink things and pull back. I know my reluctance to trust others is damaging important relationships in my life, yet I cannot seem to stop myself from feeling this way.

    I've been in a long term relationship for about three years now and every day that passes, I find it harder and harder to trust my partner. We've had our bumps and bruises of course, but I know deep down he's a stand-up guy who loves and cares for me deeply. But still, I struggle to let go and trust him no matter how hard I try. This lack of trust has caused some issues in our relationship, making it difficult for us to move forward.

    It's almost as if my lack of trust is built in and I'm scared to take a leap of faith. I understand it's important to trust people, but the fear keeps me from doing so. I guess I just want to know what I can do to learn to trust again, so I can start understanding why certain emotions make me hesitate when wanting to trust a person.

    * * *

    Learning to trust again is one of the most difficult things we will ever have to do. It can be especially hard after we've been hurt by someone or experienced a traumatic event that shattered our faith in others. Despite the pain and fear it often brings, it's essential to developing healthy relationships and moving forward with our lives. Here are some tips to help you rebuild your trust and develop an understanding of why trusting again can be so difficult.

    First, give yourself time to heal from past hurt and trauma. When we have suffered pain and trauma, we may feel the need to shield ourselves from the possibility of being hurt again or not trusting the wrong person. Acknowledge the feelings of hurt and grief and don't rush into trusting any person before you can process how you feel. Allow yourself to heal through connecting with someone you love and focusing on self-care activities that bring you joy.

    Second, begin slowly by building relationships with people you can trust. To learn to trust again, it helps to start small. Begin by building relationships with those who are close to you or who you know you can rely on, such as a family member or friend. This can be done through meaningful conversations or engaging in activities with them.

    Challenge your insecurities and fears by taking risks. It might be scary to trust again, but it can also be incredibly empowering. Try to take small steps outside of your comfort zone and push yourself to take risks. Maybe start with something small like going to a group of friends for dinner, instead of always giving into your fear and avoiding potentially meaningful relationships.

    Learning to trust again is never easy, but it's possible. Taking it slow and focusing on healing are key to rebuilding your trust. Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you feel overwhelmed or exhausted. There's a lot of strength in vulnerability, so don't be afraid to show it.

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