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  1. Why does it take so long to forget? I still think of him every day even though we broke up 9 months ago. I've done everything suggested to move on: taking care of myself, engaging in activities I enjoy, meeting new people, and making friends. I even started going out with a guy I thought I liked. But nothing helps; I still think of him every time before I go to sleep, and many things during my day remind me of him. When I cross the road and see a car similar to his, my heart drops, thinking it's him. I still see him in my dreams, wondering what his life looks like now. I deleted all my social media accounts just to avoid stalking him. I've done my best and am still trying. I can tell and feel that I'm not happy doing all those things; the only time I was truly happy was with him. I don't know how to get rid of these feelings.
  2. I used to read all part 1 and 2 during my NC and i made it to 3 month now This thread is magical and helps alot I hope people who are going thru a hard time now to follow it
  3. We are both in our early thirties, employed, and six months ago, I suggested helping him with his financial difficulties. Our discussions about marriage ensued as we realized our compatibility, and our families welcomed the idea. We began to seriously talk about the topic. I can assure you that our decision was not influenced by any fear of breaking up, and money was not a factor that made me feel used..
  4. I didn't see any clear red flags in our relationship, except for a decrease in communication from his side and maybe fewer dates. I thought that as we hit the one-year mark, the relationship might naturally require less effort. I always believed his words about loving me and working hard for a better relationship between us
  5. I sense that the anger I currently feel might subside if he were to explain why he left. However, deep down, I acknowledge that what happened has happened, and the possibility of us reconciling is unlikely. Despite the lingering emotions, I recognize the importance of moving forward and accepting the reality of the situation
  6. It has been three months since my ex and I broke up. The breakup happened abruptly without any clear reason. I woke up one day to find myself blocked after he had expressed his love and desire to build a future together the night before. We had been in a relationship for one year. I chose not to reach out because it didn't make sense to me. I deleted all his contacts and tried to move on. The past month has been challenging, filled with ups and downs as I tried to convince myself that we were over. However, one lingering aspect remained – I had loaned him money, and he hadn't repaid it. Feeling a need for closure, I decided to address the financial matter yesterday. I reached out to him, and he responded, assuring me that he would send the money back as soon as possible. I thanked him, but after that interaction, I couldn't help but feel hurt. It made me realize that I still care for him, and I wished he would open up about why he left, especially when everything seemed to be falling into place for us. We had even made plans to get married this year. I find myself questioning whether my decision not to inquire about why he left was the right one. It leaves me torn between what's right and wrong. I believe that if someone genuinely loves you, they wouldn't simply disappear after expressing their love. It's a perplexing situation, and I'm grappling with the uncertainty of whether I made the correct choice in not seeking an explanation for his departure
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