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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    The Value of Writing Things Down: The Undeniable Benefits of Noting Information

    It is easy to take for granted the abundance of information we now have access to in the digital age. As a result, those skills that served us well in the pre-internet world—such as taking notes and saving print pieces for further contemplation—seem almost obsolete. But, nothing could be further from the truth. The value of reading and of taking the time to write things down that we read—or hear—cannot be overstated.

    Take, for example, our memory capabilities. The human brain is limited in its storage capacity for information, so it makes sense that we ensure anything important makes its way into our long-term memories by writing things down. When we do this, it not only helps us remember details more clearly, but by forming a strong connection between text or spoken words and our cognitive reasoning skills. In other words, by writing things down we make it easier to recall, process, analyze, and integrate treasured information. Indeed, even when the implications of something we've read or heard may be difficult to immediately acknowledge, writing it down serves as a powerful tool to remind us later on.

    Further, taking notes has a great impact on our organization and productivity. When we spend time committing ideas or concepts to paper in an organized structure or format, we are better able to prioritize tasks, remember to-dos and schedules, complete projects in a timely manner, and (in the case of research assignments) track multiple sources of data with greater efficiency.

    In addition, many of us frequently fall victim to destructive thought patterns. Whether it be negative self-talk, overwhelming emotions, or weary feelings of doubt, at times our mental health demands reflective action and thoughtful introspection. Keeping a personal journal—where thoughts, feelings, and experiences can be saved or “filed away” —often serves as an invaluable source of comfort and reassurance. Writing allows us to express the undulating tides of our psyche in a tangible medium, where essentially we visit and revisit our innermost being to gain better insight about our lives.

    Writers and teachers alike tout the potential of the written word. Indeed, it is often said that penning our thoughts encourages clarity, confidence, and creativity. Artists, scientists, scholars, and problem solvers are some of the many contributors to society who have found that writing their discoveries—positive or negative–have helped them chart new paths, contribute deeper observations and theories, and identify solutions for the greater good.

    The value of writing things down, whether it be for personal or professional reasons, is undeniable. It helps us both store and make sense of crucial information. It is also a meaningful resource that can—and did—benefit generations long before the invention of technology. By taking the time to preserve facts, ponderings, and perceptions in writing, we are blessed with a profound form of expression and a significant repository of knowledge.

    What’s even more remarkable is the way words, when truly embraced, have the power to open up windows, unlock doors, and ignite self-discovery. They help us become familiar with our truth. So, no matter how far down the “digital rabbit hole” we seem to go, harnessing the ancient power of the written word remains essential and essential—something to never be taken for granted.

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