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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Overcoming Spiraling Doubt in the Face of Criticism

    I was on cloud nine when I finally told my closest friends and family about the amazing news that I had been sitting on for some time. I was so overjoyed, nothing in the world could bring me down. Nothing - or so I thought.

    No sooner had I finished my announcement than I found myself being met with a barrage of nasty comments from all my peers. Everything from snarky side-eyes to hushed murmurs of disapproval suddenly surrounded me. No matter how hard I tried, my joyous news seemed to always be welcomed with disdain and contempt.

    I wanted so badly to shout out to everyone that this really was the happiest moment of my life - but the criticism was too much to bear. My dreams, ambitions and plans were now swimming in a tumultuous sea of doubt and fear.

    The strange thing was, these cynics and naysayers were supposed to be my biggest supporters. But instead, they seemed hellbent on making sure this joyful time of my life was swiftly tarnished.

    Wondering what it was that caused such a reaction, I slowly began to piece things together. Each comment was like a sliver of insight, slowly unveiling the truth about why I was being met with such negativity. The truth was far from nice, but at least I finally understood what had come to pass.

    Turns out, most of my peers found it hard to accept my success. They felt their own goals and ambitions fading in comparison to mine, fading into irrelevance as I pushed towards my dreams. This was their way of expressing their emotions, and under the surface, even a hint of envy lingered in the air.

    And so instead of celebrating with me, they instead decided to bring me down which them. My stellar news was stolen with the force of a gust of wind, and my joyous mood was replaced by sadness and confusion.

    But it's ok. Despite the backlash and spiteful words, I am still confident in my course and will continue to push forward. I understand why they reacted, and in a way kindred and empathy twines within me. I'm relishing in the knowledge that I can break out of this bubble and above the pessimism, and celebrate with joy in due time - just not here, and not now.

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