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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Overcoming Life's Challenges: Outswimming the Sharks

    As we go through life we all face immense challenges, some too big for us to even contemplate tackling. From life-changing decisions to moments of extreme duress and pain, these "sharks" take on many forms. Like in a pool of menacing predators, there are no quick fixes when it comes to overcoming these insurmountable obstacles. However, this doesn't mean that our struggle will not eventually be rewarded. Through resilience, responsibility, and internal strength – upon emerging from the abyss of strife – we can be revived and re-energised for what lies ahead.

    Resilience is a powerful skill to develop, as it gives us the ability to rise above the trying times in our lives with courage and passion. It allows us to anticipate from past difficulties and come out stronger than ever before. When going through a tumultuous period and attempting to transcend any issue at hand, resilience is going to play an important role in enabling us to maintain stability and composure during such troubling times. By viewing our struggles as part of a bigger plan for our future development – and by focusing positively on our own growth – we can build up a deep sense of resilience within ourselves that will stay with us throughout all of life's challenges.

    Another key element in managing adversity is to take responsibility. That way, whatever happens – good or bad – we are acknowledging the part we played in it. This can often lead to difficult but necessary epiphanies where we must face our weaknesses and use them constructively by actively finding solutions instead of avoiding them. Taking responsibility also has a positive effect on those around us; leading by example is the best way to motivate the people in our life who are also facing difficulty. Knowing that someone is capable of overcoming their struggles will inspire others to follow suit.

    An inner strength is essential if one truly wishes to survive any treacherous situation. While it is true that hardships have a tendency to break us down mentally, physically and emotionally–our power lies in how we choose to utilise this force of weariness. When faced with adversity, do we let it bring us down and make us give up? Or do we use it as a catalyst for personal victory? Inner strength is an attribute that one must carry within their soul if they wish to successfully navigate challenging times. It is a source of hope and inspiration when everything else seems like it is falling apart.

    When sharks surround us while we battle daily struggles, it can seem like no light exists at the end of the tunnel. It may be easy to become overwhelmed by fear and stress at this point; however, moments such as these – when it feels as if nothing more can fall apart – are the very moment in which resilence, responsibility and inner strength help shape our future for better or for worse. Accepting these aspects as constructive remedies for enduring hardship will help us find the tools necessary for ushering us into a world where peace, progress and prosperity become reality. Such is the reward from outswimming the sharks!

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