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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    How Can I Find True Companionship?

    Dear eNotAlone: I'm hoping you can help me out of a really tough spot I'm stuck in. At this point, I'm not even sure who I am or what to do next. The trouble is, I don't feel like I am part of anything or that my life has purpose.

    I guess you could say I'm feeling very lonely and sad. I have been looking for a connection for so long and I just can't seem to find it.

    I have tried joining different activities and making new friends but it all feels so forced and fake. Every time, I end up falling back into the same rut – feeling alone and despondent. Whenever I try to move forward, it feels impossible.

    My family hasn't been a huge help because we are all so spread out. We haven't been close for quite some time, even though I keep trying to reconnect. I have no idea how to find role models or mentors either, unless I guess I managed to find my biological father.

    I still live in the same town but nothing ever changes, no matter how hard I try. I would love to find somebody that can understand me and make me feel accepted. It would mean so much if I could find someone that could listen and talk with me.

    * * *

    You are not alone in your struggles to build meaningful, lasting relationships. It can be hard to know where to start when seeking connection, comfort, and companionship. It's worth exploring whether the answer could lie within yourself.

    Start by creating more positive self-talk. Compassionate self-talk breaks negative cycles of self-loathing, and can help cultivate self-love. When you feel down, it's important to replace the negative self-talk with positive affirmation. This helps in gaining the confidence internal resources needed in order to draw closer to meaningful connections.

    Developing compassion towards oneself can effectively open a pathway to learning how to sustain meaningful relationships with others. A fundamental step is to focus in on accepting yourself without judgement and without striving for unreasonable expectations. don't forget to take part in acts of self-care.

    Next, start by looking into available resources and organizations in your community. You might find people with similar interests or experiences in online forums. These could be social media outlets, mental health meet ups, volunteer work in local charities, or even just biking clubs - the options are limitless. Connecting with others can fill this void of loneliness and emptiness you may have been searching for.

    Routines give us purpose, so have you thought about finding an everyday hobby? Maybe the answer to connecting with ourselves and others is discovering something new. Give yourself permission to pursue passions you previously kept dormant.

    Are there any people who would be good influences in your life? Think of those who you respect and admire and reach out to them. Friends, teachers, or significant others with whom you can have meaningful conversations. Even having traditional coffee meet-ups can reinvigorate lost connections and reignite interpersonal relationships essential for growth. Finding true companionship may seem daunting, but never forget you hold the power to cultivate meaningful connections. Tap into your own inner strength and persevere in breaking the wave of loneliness pressing against you.

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