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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Embracing Aging: Choosing to Cherish Growing Older

    Growing older is an inevitability for all; it’s a natural part of life and of the human journey. At some point or another, everyone must face the fact that we are aging and, for some, this can be scary and disheartening. While age can bring about certain changes, it also brings many valuable experiences, privileges and lessons. Don’t regret growing older, as it’s a privilege denied to many.

    Aging should not be something to regret, nor is it something to take for granted. As individuals age, their bodies and minds go through shifts, both physically and mentally. Physically, there can be changes such as weight gain, wrinkles, greying hair, sagging muscles and decreased energy levels. Mentally, people may experience memory deterioration, difficulty making decisions and difficulty associating with people they don’t know as well.

    For some people, these changes come with regret, feelings of sadness or even feelings of depression. But it is important to understand that aging is a natural part of life and should be something to embrace. Those who are fortunate enough to live long lives get to experience more of the world and the many lessons it has to offer.

    Being able to grow older and acquire more knowledge is a privilege—many never have the chance to even reach middle age, let alone make it to their golden years. Despite the physical and mental changes that can come with growing older, the experiences and wisdom you gain from living longer are invaluable. People should not discount or devalue the elderly; what they have experienced and learned in life often gives them invaluable insights into the world and how to navigate it. Conversations and exchanges of knowledge between the elderly and younger generations can be invaluable in helping young adults better understand the world and their place in it.

    Aging also allows individuals to appreciate their past accomplishments and learn from their past mistakes. It affords them the opportunity to reflect on their life and appreciate how far they have come. Some individuals use this time in their life to travel, pursue new hobbies, volunteer or spend time with their family. These are all things that may have been postponed in their youth but are now accessible to people in their later years.

    In addition, growing older helps to reduce stress. As people age, their perspectives on things tend to evolve and become more simplified as they realize what is important in life and what truly matters. This process can help individuals to de-clutter their minds and focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the future. This can be a crucial step in combating stress, anxiety and depression.

    Above all, growing older is a reminder to be grateful and appreciative of the gift of life. It shouldn’t be viewed as a burden or something to dread, but instead a privilege to be cherished and celebrated. Let go of any feelings of regret and put your energy into making the most out of the limited time you are given. Focus on making memories, spending time with people you love and doing things that bring joy and fulfillment. Only then will you be able to experience the true beauty and power of growing older.

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