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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Cultivating Lasting Happiness: A Gratitude Journal Primer

    Often we strive for happiness like a butterfly lying atop a flower petal, ever-hungry for the sweet nectar hidden beneath. The search for contentment and fulfillment can be tiring, leaving us depleted and disheartened by our seemingly constant lack of success. And yet being able to cultivate an attitude of gratitude - being able to recognize and express appreciation for the various gifts, small and large, that populate our lives - can be a crucial part of this elusive journey.

    Imagine if every morning you were offered the gift of opportunity. An opportunity to attend to your gratitude, to recognize how fortunate you are and remember how much goodness you carry within. A gratitude journal is just such an offering. It is a practice that allows us to acknowledge these blessings and in turn serve to keep our hearts tender with appreciation of life's beauty.

    In its simplest form, a gratitude journal is simply a blank notebook or journal devoted to writing a few sentences at the beginning and/or end of each day about whatever we’re grateful for in that moment. It becomes a tool for us to leverage in regards to our thankfulness, but also provides us with an aid to focus our minds on our positive experiences, to choose optimism instead of cynicism and pain. But beyond what the simplicity of its design actually is, there may be other benefits from the implementation of a regular gratitude journal, too.

    Studies have shown that regularly practiced gratitude can:

    • Increase self-esteem
    • Strengthen relationships
    • Enhance empathy and reduce aggression
    • Improve physical health
    • Increase resilience

    What’s more, cultivating thankfulness as suggested by a gratitude journal can also help to bring greater meaning and purpose to our lives. We all want to feel connected, to be able to appreciate, savor and treasure life’s moments. Whether it’s appreciative commuting, thoughtful planning or attentive parenting, by paying attention to the seemingly ordinary moments, the mundane activities that make up our everyday lives, we’re actually contributing to our own development; allowing us to gain a different perspective on our lives that can guide us toward lasting happiness.

    Some simple ideas & tips for crafting your own Gratitude Journal:

    1. Start Small - Instead of overpowering yourself with lofty expectations, try writing down even just one or two items per day. This can help lessen the potential for overwhelm and can make journaling much more manageable.

    2. Accountability Matters - Decide if and how frequently you're going to write, be it daily, weekly or monthly, and stick to it. Making a commitment to yourself (like setting a regular bedtime, date night or exercise routine) helps solidify accountability and tends to lead to better results overall.

    3. Add Variety - Keep the rhythm and flavor of your daily entries interesting and inviting by varying them. Write your notes in long and short bursts; record your appreciation for the home cooked meal, for a walk in nature, for the sun’s warmth, for family and close friends. Aim for variety.

    4. Expand Your Circle - If possible, try to include people outside your immediate circle in your writing. Make a point to recognize a good deed from someone in your workplace or from a shopkeeper or a driving instructor. Let go of any self-imposed limitations and let your appreciation run free.

    5. Intentionally Show Appreciation - When going through life, be conscious of opportunities to express your gratitude to others. Keep in mind that your thankfulness should stem from an understanding of why you are truly grateful and not merely be based on how you think the other person wants to receive recognition. Uncomplicated actions with purest intent will often be the most deeply appreciated.

    Make sure to spend some time reflecting on your work - don’t rush through your gratitude process as it’s key to retaining your insights, lessons and values that often come to light during reflection. It takes discipline, dedication and focus to keep your gratitude journal organized, but the rewards of developing a consistent journal practice can have a long-term beneficial impact on your holistic wellbeing.

    Take heart in knowing that a gratitude journal contains the ability to change and redevelop your thinking, the courage to move on from a bad day, or the strength to tackle a difficult task. Remember that expressions of gratitude direct our attention to the good, the positive and the beautiful in our lives and by actively attending to your gratitude journal regularly, you can ultimately enjoy a tranquil, empowered and peaceful sense of happiness.

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