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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    When Sleepovers Become Battlegrounds

    Their bedrooms raucous with laughter, the inevitability of hysteria and gossip unbridled, sleepovers were once a beloved rite of passage-until they weren’t. Sleepovers, once staunchly defended by parents as essential opportunities for children to bond with friends and learn the importance of community, are now clashing against the pressures of an ever changing landscape of worrisome mandates.

    It used to be that the long car-ride to the sleepover’s location was filled with excitement and eager anticipation. The days and weeks leading up to the event were no different, stories and whispered secrets eagerly passed amongst friends. However, for many families in this time of complexity, overnight slumber parties have now become scheduled minefields.

    Parents of differing backgrounds vary in degrees of caution when it comes sleepovers. Some parents gage organized events more leniently, understanding the value of having their child spend time among his or her peers. Conversely, other parents view all away slumber parties as potential safety risks and practice extreme vigilance when approving all such engagements.

    Divisions between parents and their approach to this subject can often lead to hurt feelings, resentful attitudes, and judgments on all sides. One parent may feel excluded by another who didn’t approve an invitation; another fearful of being dubbed overprotective when deciding not to allow his/her child to attend. Hopes of parental solidarity, suddenly frazzled by separation.

    The blanket of confusing feelings is further weighed down by additional sleepover etiquette dilemmas. With dietary restrictions and cell phone policies ever-shifting, what one family allows can often be viewed by another family as inappropriate, or even irresponsible. As the debate surrounding sleepovers grows more cantankerous, many parents find themselves adrift in a sea of doubts.

    Leave it to curious adolescents to create a further layer of chaos. Their internal struggle of not being allowed to stay up late like their peers, alongside their attempts at sneaking phones into bedrooms, only serves to fuel the fire of parental unrest.

    Parenting has always been a tangled mix of worries and ease, bedtimes the demarcation line signifying the teeter-totter shift from childhood freedom to adult responsibility. Nowhere is this truer than with contemporary sleepovers, where the stakes are high and opinions run rampant.

    Traditional sleepovers - once a staple of childhood innocence - may have to wait until the dust settles on our current state of indecisiveness. Until then, there is but one beacon of guidance for all involved: practicing empathy and respect for the contrasting views of all.

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