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  • kamurj

    Fathers Gained Family Time During the Pandemic, Many Don't Want to Give It Back

    When the pandemic first hit, families were suddenly thrust into an uncomfortable new reality of life under quarantine. For many fathers, this meant that instead of the daily rush from home to work and back again, their commutes effectively disappeared overnight. Instead of long days spent away from family, they suddenly gained unprecedented time spent with them.

    On the surface, it seemed like a golden opportunity; to finally get to know your children better, to really make memories together, to bond and grow closer. Unfortunately, many fathers found themselves overwhelmed by this new luxury—with little warning or preparation there wasn't really a roadmap for how to take maximum advantage of it.

    For some families, this time has been nothing but positive—they've taken time to focus on themselves and their relationships, learning patience and understanding as they navigated a difficult situation as a unit. For far too many other families, however, that isn't the case.

    The unfortunate truth is that fathers found themselves unprepared to tackle this sudden surge of family time. The pandemic exacerbated family issues and divided households, leading to a drastic increase in fights, tension, and negative behavior among parents, children, and spouses. Fathers were especially challenged; juggling the world around them with so much uncertainty, while also having to bear the brunt of all the additional stress.

    Some fathers admitted that it was too much—lying awake at night, stewing in their own worries for the future, finding refuge in smoking, drinking, or using drugs to quiet the noise in their head. Others attempted to boost morale and maintain normalcy, introducing fun movie nights, game competitions, or evening walks, only to find themselves impaired by an underlying feeling of guilt, insecurity and fear.

    As things continue on slowly progressing, the time spent with family is gradually moving farther away, replaced with scattered routines of work, sports, and important activities. In an ironic twist of fate, fathers are now almost desperately clinging to that time together, recognizing the value of family perhaps more deeply than ever before.

    Given that so few could have foreseen the pandemic and its various consequences, it's understandable that many fathers feel a sense of reluctance about having to go back to the way things were. It's impossible to deny the bond created, the memories made and the healing that took place within families during this time.

    As a result, fathers all over the world are engaged in this double-edged battle with themselves- an unwavering hope of a better future and an intimidating fear at the same time of returning to an unfamiliar “normal”, thankful for what they gained but anxious at the thought of giving it back.

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