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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    The Benefits of Breathwork - Is It More Effective Than Mindfulness Meditation?

    "Call to Breath," a gentle whisper releases into the air like a friendly reminder to take a moment and return to the present. More and more people are turning to an ancient practice called breathwork in an effort to improve their lives. Breathwork is quickly becoming recognized as a powerful tool to alleviate stress, balance emotions, and improve mood. Not only that, but some say breathwork is more effective than mindfulness meditation when it comes to changing physiological states. This article will explore the many benefits of breathwork and provide scientific evidence to back-up its claims.

    Breathwork itself is an umbrella term that encompasses different types of conscious breathing practices. It can range from taking deep slow breaths to alternating tensions between inhalations and exhalations. No matter the type, breathwork is designed to connect the body and mind and awaken areas of stagnant energy. Often considered an internal form of yoga, breathwork combines mindful breathing with certain movements or postures to create an intense experience for the practitioner.

    At the most basic level, breathwork simply provides the opportunity to become conscious of our breathing patterns. Many of us don't pay much attention to our breath and instead keep it at the periphery, like a dull background noise. But if we come to the awareness of our breath, we can find true connection – our attention and awareness shift as we begin to feel deeply present in our own bodies. This process also brings to light any underlying emotions, stories, or beliefs that have been stored in the body. In this way, breathwork serves as a gateway to subconscious rummaging and is incredibly effective at relieving anxiety and stress.

    In terms of the physical benefits, the deep diaphragmatic breathing that is part of breathwork not only relaxes the body but has lasting positive health effects. Studies have shown that deliberate breath expands the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow and circulate oxygen more efficiently throughout the body. This leads to increased energy levels, balanced hormones, and improved digestion. In addition, conscious breathing can help restore the balance of the autonomic nervous system, increase vitality, and reduce tension in the body. The end result is a better sense of emotional and physical well-being.

    But how does this compare to mindfulness meditation? Both have a large body of research backing their efficacy, so distinguishing between which is actually more effective for changing mental and physiological states can prove difficult. But one study suggests that breathwork works quicker and more reliably to induce relaxation and reduce stress. According to the study, breathwork was found to reduce physiological responses such as heart rate and respiration frequency. Comparatively, these effects were not seen to the same extent in a comparable group of participants who practiced mindfulness meditation, suggesting breathwork is more effective when inducing a relaxed state and reducing stress.

    However, it should be noted that both mindfulness meditation and breathwork have their unique benefits, and each person should experiment to find what works best for them. That being said, if you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or simply low in energy – breathwork is certainly worth investigating as it may be the ideal solution you've been looking for. And who knows, maybe with just a few conscious breaths you'll be able to tap into your vital life force with newfound vigor.

    As its popularity grows and the scientific evidence increases, breathwork may just be one of the most impactful practices of our modern society. Moving beyond labels and dogma, breathwork completes the bridge between the inner and outer worlds, allowing us to make progress in both our physical and mental health. Perhaps the grea gift of intentional breath is the opportunity to create inner sanctuary and calmness, no matter what chaos and pandemonium stir in our external environment.

    Breathwork is a powerful and accessible modality for anyone striving for greater wellbeing. With consistent practice and patience, it can produce a profound internal awakening and help spur amazing transformations in mood and physiological states – perhaps even more effectively than mindfulness meditation.

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