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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    7 Quick Fixes to Hide a Hickey with Makeup!

    Key Takeaways:

    • Select the correct concealer shade
    • Apply corrector before foundation
    • Blend thoroughly for a natural look
    • Set with powder to ensure longevity

    Discovering a hickey can often lead to a scramble for solutions, especially when there's an urgent need to look presentable. It's a common dilemma that many face at one point or another, spurred by moments of passion or accidental bruises that leave behind a visible mark. This article aims to provide a reliable method for concealing a hickey with makeup, offering a blend of expert advice and practical tips to help you navigate this tricky situation.

    The sudden appearance of a hickey can evoke a mix of emotions, from embarrassment to a slight panic, especially when there are social or professional engagements on your calendar. The stigma attached to hickeys often exacerbates the situation, making it crucial to find a quick and effective cover-up solution.

    Fortunately, makeup offers a discreet and efficient way to camouflage a hickey, allowing you to step out in confidence without worrying about unwanted attention or questions. Whether you're a novice or seasoned in the art of makeup, the forthcoming tips will guide you through the process of concealing your hickey seamlessly.

    This guide is designed with both urgency and ease in mind, ensuring that anyone can follow along, regardless of their makeup proficiency. By the end of this article, you'll have gained the knowledge and skills to tackle this common yet often daunting challenge with grace and efficiency.

    Understanding the right techniques and products is key to achieving a natural, indiscernible cover-up. From selecting the correct concealer shade to mastering the art of blending, each step is crucial in ensuring the hickey becomes virtually invisible.

    Additionally, we'll explore preventive measures to avoid future occurrences, offering insights into how to minimize the chances of getting a hickey or how to treat one immediately after it appears. This holistic approach ensures you're fully equipped to handle this beauty hiccup, should it arise again.

    Embarking on this journey, let's dive into the basics of makeup application and hickey concealment, ensuring you're prepared to face any situation with poise and confidence.

    Understanding the Basics of Covering a Hickey

    The first step in concealing a hickey with makeup is to understand the nature of the mark you're dealing with. A hickey is essentially a bruise caused by suction or biting, leading to broken capillaries and resulting in a visible mark on the skin. This understanding is crucial as it informs the choice of products and application techniques to effectively cover the discoloration.

    Color correction plays a pivotal role in this process. Depending on the color of the bruise, which can range from red and purple to blue and black, a specific color corrector can neutralize the discoloration. For instance, green correctors are excellent for redness, while yellow correctors can help with purple or blue tones.

    After color correction, selecting the right concealer and foundation becomes the next critical step. These products should match your skin tone as closely as possible to create a seamless blend, ensuring the hickey is not detectable under natural light.

    Application technique is equally important. Layering products correctly and blending them meticulously avoids a caked-on appearance, maintaining the natural texture and look of your skin. This step is where skill and patience come into play, as rushed or improper application can make the cover-up more noticeable.

    Finally, setting the makeup with a translucent powder ensures the longevity of the cover-up, protecting it against wear throughout the day. This last step is vital for maintaining the camouflage, especially if you're facing a long day ahead or anticipate physical activity.

    Choosing the Right Concealer


    Choosing the right concealer is a critical step in the process of covering up a hickey. The ideal concealer for this task is one that offers high coverage but still looks natural on the skin. It's not just about picking up any concealer; it's about finding the one that matches your skin tone perfectly and can camouflage the discoloration without drawing attention.

    Concealers come in various forms – liquids, sticks, creams, and powders – each with its own set of benefits. Liquid concealers, for instance, are great for providing a lightweight, buildable coverage, whereas stick concealers offer more precision and higher coverage, making them ideal for spot treatment like covering a hickey.

    The shade of the concealer is paramount. A shade too light or too dark can highlight the area you're trying to conceal rather than hiding it. The best approach is to select a concealer that closely matches your skin tone or is one shade lighter. This ensures a more natural blend, especially when layered with your foundation.

    Additionally, understanding the undertones of your skin and the concealer can make a significant difference in achieving a flawless cover-up. For those with cooler undertones, concealers with a pink or blue base might work best, while those with warmer undertones should look for concealers with a yellow or golden base.

    Applying a Corrector

    Before applying concealer, using a color corrector can be a game-changer in neutralizing the hickey's color. This step is crucial for hickeys that have a pronounced color, as applying concealer directly may not fully disguise the discoloration. Color correctors come in various hues, each designed to counteract specific discolorations on the skin.

    For red or pinkish hickeys, a green corrector is your best bet as it neutralizes red tones. For darker, purple or blue-toned hickeys, an orange or peach corrector will help balance out the discoloration, creating a neutral base for the concealer to cover. Applying the corrector sparingly and blending it well ensures that it does not affect the final color of your makeup.

    After choosing the correct color corrector, the application process involves dabbing a small amount on the hickey and gently blending it outwards. The goal is to create a thin layer that precisely covers the discolored area without extending too far into the surrounding skin. This precision helps maintain a natural appearance.

    Once the corrector is applied, it's important to let it set for a moment before proceeding. This allows the product to dry down slightly, ensuring that the subsequent layers of makeup adhere better and stay in place throughout the day. Patience in this step can significantly improve the longevity of the cover-up.

    The next step involves applying your regular foundation over the area. This should be done gently, preferably with a damp beauty sponge or a foundation brush, to avoid disturbing the layer of corrector underneath. The foundation acts as a second layer of camouflage, further disguising the hickey.

    In some cases, it might be necessary to apply an additional layer of concealer over the foundation for extra coverage. This should be done with a light hand, ensuring that the concealer is well blended into both the foundation and the surrounding skin. The key here is to build coverage gradually, avoiding a heavy or cakey look.

    Finally, the entire area should be set with a translucent setting powder. This not only seals the makeup in place, preventing it from smudging or fading but also gives a matte finish that further disguises any textural differences. The right setting technique ensures your cover-up remains undetectable, providing confidence throughout your day.

    Setting the Base with Foundation


    Setting the base with foundation is a pivotal moment in the process of covering a hickey with makeup. This step ensures that the color correcting and concealing efforts are seamlessly integrated into a flawless complexion. Choosing a foundation that matches your skin tone exactly is crucial for creating an indiscernible cover-up.

    The application of foundation should be approached with a technique that promotes even coverage. Using a damp beauty blender or a foundation brush, dab the foundation onto the skin, starting from the center of the hickey and blending outwards. This method helps to avoid a heavy makeup look, maintaining a natural finish.

    It's important to apply the foundation in thin layers, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next. This buildable approach ensures maximum coverage without the risk of the makeup appearing cakey. The goal is to create a smooth surface that neither enhances the texture nor the color of the hickey.

    Special attention should be paid to the edges of the covered area to ensure that there's no visible line of demarcation. Blending the foundation well into the surrounding skin is key to achieving a seamless transition. This might require gently tapping the edges with a sponge or brush to diffuse the foundation perfectly.

    In cases where the hickey is particularly dark or vibrant, a second layer of foundation might be necessary to fully obscure it. This layer should be as light as possible, focusing on maintaining the natural texture of the skin while enhancing the coverage.

    Once the foundation is set, a critical evaluation under different lighting conditions can help identify any areas that need additional blending or coverage. Adjustments should be made sparingly, with a focus on preserving the overall natural appearance of the skin.

    Blending for a Natural Look

    Blending is the art that transforms the application of makeup from noticeable to noticeable only by its absence. Achieving a natural look, especially when covering a hickey, hinges on meticulous blending techniques. The transition between corrected, concealed, and untouched skin should be imperceptible, ensuring the cover-up is undetectable.

    Utilizing the right tools is essential for blending success. A damp beauty blender, known for its ability to create a skin-like finish, is ideal for this task. The sponge's surface should be used to tap and blend the makeup gently, merging it into the skin without removing the layers underneath.

    For areas requiring precision, such as the edges of the concealment or near the jawline and hairline, a smaller, more precise brush can be employed. These tools help in fine-tuning the blend, ensuring that there's no abrupt stop to the makeup application.

    The technique of blending also involves the direction of the blend. Moving from the center of the concealed area outwards encourages a gradient effect, diminishing the makeup's visibility as it reaches natural skin. This strategy plays a crucial role in the believability of the cover-up.

    Finally, taking a step back to review the work from a distance is a good practice. This perspective allows for a broader view of the blending's effectiveness, providing an opportunity to catch and correct any inconsistencies before setting the makeup with powder. Achieving a natural look is all about the details, and a thorough blending process ensures that your efforts in concealing a hickey are successful and convincing.

    Sealing with Setting Powder

    Sealing your makeup with setting powder is the final touch in ensuring your hickey is well-concealed throughout the day. This step not only locks in the makeup but also mattifies the skin, reducing any potential shine that could draw attention to the covered area. Choosing a translucent setting powder is key, as it won't alter the color of the foundation and concealer you've meticulously matched and applied.

    Using a large, fluffy brush, lightly dust the setting powder over the area where makeup has been applied. The aim is to lightly coat the surface, without disturbing the underlying layers. A gentle tapping off of excess powder from the brush before application can prevent over-powdering, which is essential for maintaining a natural look.

    For those with dry skin or when covering a larger hickey, consider using a hydrating setting spray instead. This can set the makeup while providing a dewy finish, which might be more in line with your skin's natural texture. The spray should be misted from a distance to ensure a fine, even coat.

    The setting process not only seals the makeup but also blends any remaining demarcation lines, enhancing the natural appearance of the skin. It's the guarantee that your effort in concealing the hickey will withstand the rigors of your day, from high humidity to the incidental rubbing of clothes.

    Once set, avoid touching or rubbing the area to ensure the longevity of the cover-up. This final precaution helps to maintain the integrity of the makeup, keeping the hickey out of sight and mind as you go about your day.

    Prevention Tips for Future

    While knowing how to cover up a hickey with makeup is invaluable, preventing them in the first place can save you time and effort. Discussing boundaries and preferences with your partner can significantly reduce the likelihood of hickeys, ensuring both parties are on the same page regarding physical expressions of affection.

    Wearing clothing that can strategically cover potential hickey areas is another practical measure. Scarves, turtlenecks, or high-collared shirts can be stylish and effective barriers during moments of intimacy, especially when you have important social or professional engagements following.

    In the heat of the moment, gently reminding your partner to avoid sensitive areas or to keep their affections light can prevent the formation of hickeys. Communication is key in these moments, as it can steer the situation away from any unwanted consequences.

    Applying a cold compress immediately after receiving a hickey can also minimize its appearance. The cold helps to reduce swelling and constrict blood vessels, potentially lessening the severity of the bruise. This preemptive care can make any necessary cover-up easier and more effective.

    For those prone to bruising or when hickeys occur despite precautions, incorporating arnica or vitamin K cream into your skincare routine can help. These products are known for their bruise-healing properties, speeding up recovery and reducing the visibility of hickeys.

    Ultimately, the best prevention is awareness and proactive measures. By understanding the situations that lead to hickeys and taking steps to avoid them, you can maintain your skin's appearance without resorting to makeup for concealment. However, should the need arise, you're now well-equipped with the knowledge to cover up a hickey effectively and confidently.

    When to Seek Professional Help

    While most hickeys are harmless and fade away on their own, there are situations where seeking professional help might be necessary. If a hickey does not start to fade after a week or if it causes significant pain, swelling, or discomfort, it could be a sign of a more serious issue. In such cases, a healthcare provider can assess the situation and provide appropriate treatment.

    Another reason to consult a professional is if you're struggling to cover the hickey with makeup effectively, and it's affecting your confidence or daily life. A professional makeup artist or a dermatologist can offer solutions, ranging from advanced concealment techniques to treatments that can speed up the healing process.

    Repeated hickeys in the same area can lead to skin sensitivity or prolonged discoloration. If you notice any changes in skin texture, such as lumpiness or significant color changes that persist, a dermatologist's advice can be invaluable. They can evaluate skin health and recommend treatments to restore the skin's natural appearance.

    For individuals with blood clotting disorders or who take blood-thinning medications, hickeys can pose a risk of complications. Consulting a healthcare provider in these instances ensures that the bruise is not indicative of a deeper hematoma or a risk to your health.

    Ultimately, while seeking professional help for a hickey might seem excessive, it's important to prioritize your health and well-being. Understanding when a hickey is more than just a superficial mark allows you to take appropriate action and prevent any potential complications.

    FAQ: Covering a Hickey with Makeup

    Can any concealer be used to cover a hickey? Ideally, you should use a high-coverage, long-wear concealer that matches your skin tone closely. For optimal results, layer it over a color corrector suited to neutralize the hickey's hue.

    How long does the makeup cover-up last? With proper application and setting, a makeup cover-up can last throughout the day. To ensure longevity, use a setting powder or spray and avoid rubbing the area.

    Will the makeup make the hickey worse? Properly applied makeup should not affect the healing of a hickey. However, avoid applying too much pressure during application and removal to prevent further skin irritation.

    Can I swim with makeup on the hickey? Water-resistant makeup can provide temporary cover while swimming, but be mindful that it may not last as long as when dry. Consider reapplying once you're out of the water and the skin is dry.

    How do I remove the makeup without irritating the hickey? Use a gentle, oil-based makeup remover and a soft cloth or cotton pad. Lightly dab and wipe away the makeup without scrubbing to avoid irritation.

    Is it safe to cover a hickey with makeup every day? Yes, it's safe as long as you use non-comedogenic products and thoroughly remove the makeup at the end of the day. Allowing your skin to breathe without makeup for some time can also help maintain its health.


    Covering up a hickey with makeup is a practical skill that can save you from potential embarrassment and uncomfortable questions. This guide has walked you through each step of the process, from selecting the right color corrector and concealer to applying foundation and setting powder for a natural, undetectable finish.

    The techniques and tips provided are designed to help you navigate this common beauty dilemma with confidence and ease. Remember, the key to a successful cover-up lies in the details: choosing the right products, applying them with care, and blending them seamlessly into your skin.

    Prevention, as discussed, is always better than cure. Taking steps to avoid hickeys in the first place can save you time and effort. However, life is unpredictable, and should you find yourself with a hickey, now you have the knowledge and tools at your disposal to handle it discreetly and effectively.

    It's important to approach this topic with a sense of understanding and compassion, both for yourself and others. A hickey is a temporary mark that doesn't define your character or worth. Treating it as such, and not as a source of shame, can help reduce the stigma and anxiety associated with it.

    If you ever find yourself struggling to cover a hickey, or if the mark does not fade as expected, don't hesitate to seek professional advice. Whether it's from a dermatologist for skin health concerns or a makeup artist for cover-up techniques, professional input can provide peace of mind and specialized care.

    Ultimately, this guide is more than just about covering a hickey; it's about empowering you to feel confident and in control, regardless of the little surprises life throws your way. By mastering these makeup techniques, you're not just concealing a mark; you're reclaiming your confidence and presenting yourself to the world on your own terms.

    So, the next time you or someone you know faces this challenge, remember that a solution is readily available. With a little patience, practice, and the right makeup, covering a hickey can be just another step in your beauty routine, leaving you ready to face the day with confidence and poise.

    Recommended Resources

    • Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual: For Everyone from Beginner to Pro by Bobbi Brown, Grand Central Life & Style, 2008
    • Face Forward by Kevyn Aucoin, Little, Brown and Company, 2000
    • Makeup: The Ultimate Guide by Rae Morris, Allen & Unwin, 2008
    • The Beauty of Color: The Ultimate Beauty Guide for Skin of Color by Iman, Penguin Putnam, 2005
    • Beauty Rules by Bobbi Brown, Chronicle Books, 2010

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