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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Standing Up Against Misconceptions About Work Discrimination and Blood Pressure

    Throughout its course of time, hardworking employees have encountered various situations of discrimination at their workplaces, including those based on ethnicity, age and gender. However, the most recent form of prejudice that has surfaced lately is one related to a person's blood pressure. In what seems to be an imminent attribute of work discrimination and injustices, blood pressure is once again becoming an uncompromising marker of division among office personnel.

    The conclusions which come out of such interpersonal displacement are widely accepted. For starters, employees suffering from higher than normal blood pressure values find it increasingly difficult to secure desirable positions or settle to a career satisfactory for their needs, as hirings tend to give favor to those with low values. This mode of segregation is mainly visible in the fields related to medicine and sciences such as nursing, physical education and biochemistry, where each employee should abide by a strict set of rules and regulations in order to protect patients.

    These labor inequalities were studied by leading researchers from Harvard University, who sought to understand the unfair impediments endured by those dealing with high-blooded states. The acquired results surpassed initial anticipations, with it being revealed that over 22% of -takers with a medical recording of hypertension were unlawfully denied jobs due to the supposedly "high-risk" situation of their heart metrics. Furthermore, the reports concluded that this type of prejudice affected predominantly female settlers, with a 45% rate of occurrence in females compared to 25% in men.

    These discoveries have revolutionized the outlook of current employment systems and have urged important economists and organizational administrators to take immediate action in order to limit systematic injustice. Consequently, numerous bills have been brought forward concerning this subject matter in international arenas in the United States alone, stating that any affair revolving around the blood pressure of future employers is considered an unlawful act of discrimination and should not be tolerated in the long run.

    Apart from the legislation, powerful transformative steps either from the higher echelons of the workforce or from the side of the organism itself can help to bring about a transition towards a far more ethical system. Aspects like ensuring the fulfillment of basic human rights, such mentioned in the document of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", providing gender equality and recognizing the universal values of all citizens are critical, as they can bridge the geyser between the unprivileged and their oppressors. Eradicating prejudices and enforcement roles, such as boosting an inclusive atmosphere and learning about social justice and solidarity, are counterparts of an expanding community after fairness.

    Nevertheless, it is not merely illegal passiveness at the upper end that is causing distress to those working beneath, but also the repressed voice of the employee himself. It is tremendously discouraging to see how many times those facing this challenge stay silent, partaking in an unjust agreement that deteriorates their potentials and forces them to favor their ailment over their abilities. Though nearly 52% conceded that they found themselves in this kind of sticky situation due to the suppression of their initiative and leadership, only a fraction managed to revolt against their supervisors, asking for more empathetic conditions in exchange for their work.

    Fend offing against preconceived stereotypes and societal norms is of utmost importance, especially within professional boundaries. If a suitable method of retaliation isn't utilized and doesn't receive the necessary backing needed, the approach to bring forth equality in regards to blood pressure levels could fall seriously short of its intent. Yet, if enough attention is given to the ascetic of developing an unbiased foundation and humans' natural aspirations become rethinks, then those suffering from increased strain can still aim to continue thriving in their chosen field with everyone else.

    The dialogue that should be continued in order to iron out potential wrinkles in the process of obtaining a rightful job should also include substantial aspects covering educational development, personal growth and thoughtfulness. This constructive line of conversations should purposely push for rules and practices that create more suitable and discriminatory-free work spaces for all kinds of individuals, not just for those possessing the blessing of proper circulation. Achieving this objective would establish a bond between labor personnel, protected from injustice and hatred, resulting in happier and healthier working environments.

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