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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Benefits of Mindful Focus - Increased Performance through Ethical Decision-Making

    In a world of distraction and a modern work landscape of multi-tasking and extended hours, the benefits of mindfulness practices have become undeniably apparent. It is no surprise that mindfulness has been linked to increased ethical decision-making and avoidance of cognitive biases, but can it also lead to better performance at work? By understanding how one’s focus and attention can be harnessed and improved personally, mindfulness shows us the path towards improved performance and professional success.

    Scientists have determined that by practicing mindful awareness, people are able to reduce the cognitive bias associated with decision-making, and access greater objectivity. As such, focusing on the present moment and being mindful of one's thoughts and reactions to situations helps us to be more aware of our own thoughts, better recognize and respond to the needs of others, and make informed and ethically sound decisions without prejudice or bias. Further, this knowledge and deeper understanding allow us to approach each situation if not with indifference and neutrality, then at least with greater impartiality.

    The impact that mindfulness can have on our capacity to think and act rationally in any given situation cannot be understated. When facing a work dilemma, or presented with a difficult decision, being mindful of our motivation and intent to act ethically empowers us to thoughtfully evaluate our options and choose wisely without succumbing to external pressures or prejudices. It allows us to put past difficulties behind us, resist negative influences, and select instead an appropriate course of professional action.

    Mindful practices also seek to cultivate emotional awareness which can help us regulate and manage emotions more effectively, become more focused, and tapped into a sense of interconnectedness within ourselves and amongst others, thus highlighting our shared values and ambitions and allowing for meaningful connections between colleagues, teams and departments. This shared understanding creates a space for positive collaboration and team work, which can lead to increased productivity.

    Moreover, heightened awareness attained through mindulness can enhance self-awareness, sparking insight into blind spots or areas that require improvement. This could be the need to improve upon delegation, communication, and leadership skills, among other competencies. Therefore, by engaging in mindful awareness and monitoring our internal responses to outside situations (even those that may initially seem frightening or overwhelming) we can gain clarity on our intentions and goals, and build up the confidence and motivational drive necessary to strive for success.

    So yes, with timely and mindful self-reflection, and recognition of our innate ethical principles and perspectives, we can indeed become better performers in the workplace by relying on mindful practices. Having a clear goal, vision and value system in place, combined with an awareness of the potential pitfalls along the way, has the potential to propel us forward in our careers and achieve our desired results. While this practice is not a miracle solution, but by becoming conscious of the power of mindful awareness and using it to inform our professional trajectories, we can see great strides in building rewarding and successful careers.

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