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I'm on one month of no contact. I have been doing pretty good with it. There are times I want to talk to him but I realized it wouldn't even be worth it since he broke up with me. I blocked him on my Facebook and then one day I go on and realized ppl have been getting deleted (guys). I go on my blocked list and sure enough my ex was unblocked and 2 boys were blocked. He blocked me on his end. I didn't say anything to him because I know it won't help the situation any. The other day I noticed he unblocked me because I was looking through my old post on Facebook. Then 6 days later I was blocked again. I did not message him or anything. I acted like I didn't notice. What would be the purpose of doing that? I'm even more confused now.

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No contact means you don't look at FB or social media or anything that will allow you a window into his world. If you want to get better and get over it, you need to quit snooping on him. He is no longer relevant to your life if he dumped you, so you need to stop following him and trying to see what he is up to behind his back. This kind of think only sucks you back in emotionally and is focused on the past and not your present and future. He's part of your history, and not actively part of your life now, so stop trying to keep tabs on him and what he is doing on FB or anywhere else.

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He logged into my fb account first and did all the blocking and deleting. I then changed my email address and password so he will not be able to get into it. Then a couple of weeks later I noticed that he unblocked me. I was on my page looking at my old wall post and I saw where he wrote me something. I was not going out of my way to see if he unblocked me. I was doing really good until I saw that I was unblocked. I'm just confused why he would be getting on my stuff then after I change all my settings he unblocks me. I'm really trying to get over this.

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Sounds like he's trying to check up on you and went to a great length to do so. It's quite disturbing that he'd log onto your FB account! You can still block him and now that your FB account is safe from him you don't have to worry about him messing w/ your settings anymore. You'll start doing well again, it was just a little set back and you're on the right track and things will get better! Hugs to you!

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I don't get why he would want to check up on me after he broke up with me. We were together for a year and a half. I was going to block him but he beat me to it. I can't even access my old email address and I changed my password before I moved out of our apartment.

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