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2nd date, kissing, he got erection


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we just kissed a few times on our 2nd date, not even French kiss, and I noticed he got an erection, I can feel it when we're hugging and I can see it from outside. he didn't notice it.


I'm not very experienced in romance and sex department... why is that? I'm a little bit embarrassed and afraid.

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Means that he likes you. I pretty much expect an erection out of my guy as soon as I enter the room. I like it like that.


lol...that's awesome. you must have some MASSIVE sex appeal.


i'll admit...kissing is a sure fire way for me...but i've yet to encounter a woman who could just waltz into a room and magically make all the mean go sproing sproing sproing. maybe she's out there somewhere...waiting to set my loincloth on fire. i can't wait!


thanks for the laugh debaser.



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I didn't date a lot of guys before, but none of them had an erection just by kissing. is it possible that the guy is just really horny?


it's funny to watch the guy walk away with his gun straight up, it somehow reminded me of a pregnant woman. glad it's night time or he'll be too embarrassed

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what about when a guy DOESN'T get an erection? does that mean he doesn't like her, or maybe he is nervous or holding back for some reason?


If I were dating someone and I did not get an erection, then that means I am not attracted by her.


... But, in your case Annie, your intelligence and the fact you can belly dance is enought to get me hard on a date with you.

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Technically, we can have erections simply because our hearts are still beating.


Well, actually, I'm being honest.


Of course, with those circumstances, it is VERY fair to say that you have engaged his interest in you from head to toe, mental to physical.


Be gentle!!

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