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Guilty and It is Killing me


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I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years now.. he was sent to Iraq in april of this year.. and i have had no social life since then.. he has always said that we arent married and if somthing or someone else comes along just to be upfront with him... this last weekend I got the courage to go out with some friends for the first time since he has been gone... although i shouldent of.. i got very very drunk and kissed another guy... i feel very..... guilty and it is killing me.. i need to tell him but its not like i can exactly call him up... and im very scared to loose him.. someone help me.. what do i say..? i dont want this to get back to him however through word of mouth i feel i need to be straight up with him... he means more to me then any thing in this entire world




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I say the best thing is to tell him the truth about how you feel and felt. Because if he does find out from someone else you could loose him forever. Dont go into great detail of what happened that night, just tell him that you are really sorry and you didnt mean to...... im sure you could figure it out.

But maybe you should wait till he gets home.

PM me if you wish!

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You should be honest after he gets home. In the meantime, keep sending letters and stuff.

I'm a soldier myself, infantry, and just got back to America less than two weeks ago from 7 months of combat. LUCKILY, my fiancee is of quality, she didn't fool around on me. In the past, other girlfriends did cheat on me, and I know how it feels. That's why my fiancee now is in fact my fiancee, if she were THAT type I wouldn't have proposed to her.

But it'll help him if you don't tell him yet, because he probably carries around a weapon and live ammo all day, so it could be bad for those around him if you tell him. Just be respectful enough to be honest with him once he's home, then the 2 of you can go from that point. Wouldn't you want him to be honest with you?

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My opinion may differ alot here than the others, but lets think about this scenario for a moment. He has been gone 3 years??? What if he is gone another 2 years more????????!


You're entitled to live your life, so live it. All hats off to the men overseas, no doubt they are doing their duty. In the meantime, lets take YOUR side, and consider YOUR feelings. You did not send him over there, but you are here alone, without the b/f. At a minimum there is no need to feel guilty at all. You just wanted to smooch up to some man after not smooching for a long long time. That's understandable. Be free, you waited, you cannot wait forever. If you do want to wait it out though until he finally returns though, cool. But it could be a long wait, be forgiving of yourself for having normal feelings of wanting a body in the flesh with you. Not only that, you can fear his wrath when you tell him about meeting some guy???? Why put yourself though such hell? Here is the thing though. If you decide to leave him for good. Then just tell him in a letter or whatever, and move on with it. That way you don't have to dance the two step between him and another guy. You're putting his feelings over yours and it is a mistake to yourself. There is no law that says your life has to be put on hold forever while waiting years for a man to return....

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