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Everything posted by bwilson

  1. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years now.. he was sent to Iraq in april of this year.. and i have had no social life since then.. he has always said that we arent married and if somthing or someone else comes along just to be upfront with him... this last weekend I got the courage to go out with some friends for the first time since he has been gone... although i shouldent of.. i got very very drunk and kissed another guy... i feel very..... guilty and it is killing me.. i need to tell him but its not like i can exactly call him up... and im very scared to loose him.. someone help me.. what do i say..? i dont want this to get back to him however through word of mouth i feel i need to be straight up with him... he means more to me then any thing in this entire world PLEASE HELP... [/i]
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