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Ok my first time posting at any forums about this and my first time mentioning this period!


Ok, I've been with my bf for 5 years now and we've had our ups and downs (typical). My bf introduced me to this really great online game that I immediately got addicted to. So after about 2 months of playing this game I meet someone that has caught my interest in such a way that I shouldn't prolly think of him as of recently. You see at first it was just a friendship.


Everytime time we were both on at the same time we'd hang out all night, just playing this game and talking about our relationships (he has a gf that he's been with for 5yrs!!), also cuz he knows my bf since beta. So anyways, as of a couple weeks ago I've been noticing that I've been thinking of him outside the game. I also have to admit that when I see him, I get this feeling....I haven't gotten this feeling for anyone else in say...5 years!!


We flirt sexually from time to time and I miss him terribly when he's not on, he tells me that he misses me as well, I guess what I'm wondering, how did it all get to this? I mean we were perfect online buddies who could hang out all day w/o akward feelings like this and now all of a sudden he's in my mind 24/7. I have a feeling deep inside that he feels the same way as I do, but I know that this can never be. Anybody got any advice? I already tried cutting game time down, but that doesn't seem to work. Help!! Thank you in advance for any advice ya'll give.

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Ok, this is disturbing. You haven't even met the guy I know one person, who I knew at summer camp, and she was a little bit sarcastic and she had a whiney tone to her voice, but online, she sounds like the nicest person in the world!


And a LOT more goes into a relationship than just conversation, although conversation is a big deal. You have to be comfortable with weird things, like their smell, the way they move, the way they smile, the way they hug.kiss.etc. You can't see those online, no matter how hard you try!


So stay with flesh and blood, and enjoy the friendship of this guy on the side, just for fun. And as for thinking of him on your offtime, that's normal! It doesn't mean love, or anything, its just the same as thinking of any other friend when you aren't with them. Or for that matter, thinking of a movie, book, music, whatever. You enjoy it, you enjoy thinking about it. Trust me, whatever you have with your current bfor ANY real bf is a lot stronger than anything over the wires could ever be.

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