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so is there a way to do this?

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well im 15 and me and my friends drink alittle here and there. and theres always someone that gets too drunk. well i want a way to prevent this from now on. are there precautions that we can all take that will lessen the chances of getting too drunk?such as eating somthing before and what?and how to pace ourselves?what if someones already too drunk?what can we do to sober up quicker?

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The only way to prevent becoming excessively drunk is to not drink as much alcohol.


Eating beforehand may slightly slow the rate of alcohol absorption into your blood but it is of very marginal difference.


Your body can only rid itself of alcohol at a certain pace, usually around the rate of one standard drink per hour. There is nothing you can do to hasten this process. That is the pace your liver will work at.

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does something happen when this person gets too drunk? i know older people will tell you not to drink at all, but you're going to and you need to.. you need to so that you learn to pace yourselves and learn your limits. just.. drink a lot of water while you're drinking and PACE YOURSELVES!!! what are you drinking? beer, shots, mixed drinks??

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Some people just naturally have higher alcohol tolerance levels. Just try pacing yourself and don't chug the beer/liquor, especially if you're doing shots of liquor take a shot at a time and give ittime to kick in and stop when you're feeling buzzed. Always works for me and i Haven't gotten too drunk in a long time. The more alcohol you drink at one time the harder it's going to hit when you slow down. Also, make sure you eat before hand. As for sobering up quick, there isn't one true remedy for that if there is one reason you need to do so maybe you shouldn't drink so much that time around. The only true thing i've had to work on sobering me up is getting mad at someone it will sober one up quick LOL, but you don't want to do that one. Take it easy, be careful and CHEERS!

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Eating beforehand may slightly slow the rate of alcohol absorption into your blood but it is of very marginal difference.


This isn't true at all; in fact I would say that if you're going to drink it's absolutely essential that you have something to eat before you start, so you're not tipping alcohol into an empty stomach.


"CONCLUSIONS: Drinking ethanol after eating a meal, regardless of the nutritional composition, decreases the systemic availability of ethanol." Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1997 Dec;44(6)


Another good idea is to switch to weaker drinks - I've always drunk continental style lager before (5+%), but switching to the weaker brands means I not only don't get as drunk but also spend less. I always find it a good idea to have a glass of water as my first drink, then there's no danger of gulping it down because I'm thirsty. But the simple answer is just to drink less - I know it's hard and has taken me some years to learn to moderate my intake


Despite what you may hear about drinking coffee or doing exercise, nothing will actually sober you up - sorry! you have to sweat it out and learn your lesson.


A cautionary tale: a guy I know - sort of a family friend - almost died after drinking a load of Red Bull & vodka. He passed out on a park bench and almost choked after being sick; luckily the bouncers of the bar he had been ejected from spotted him and called an ambulance. He woke up in intensive care a few days later surrounded by his extremely worried family. It seems that the red bull kept him awake well past the point when he would ordinarily have passed out, and he kept on drinking to a point that was quite toxic. Take care, and don't drink too much

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Eating a meal before drinking will def help. Don't ever drink on an empty stomach!!! And like everyone else said, you have to pace yourself. I would say stick to beer and try to avoid taking shots or liquir. When someone gets really drunk, cut them off immediately and make sure they drink a lot of water to get hydrated. And unfortunately, the only thing to cure a hangover is time . . .

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