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Feelings in the morning, compared to at night?............

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Well its been 6 days into my girl of almost a year breaking up with me.....Ive had no contact in 5 days and I dont plan on it either.......I went out last night with a couple of new guy friends to get my mnd off her and it helped alot, just as well as this site is doing wonders as well. I have not had a real bad day since tuesday (I havent cried since then ) and i seem to get through the days ok i guess......I put all her stuff in a box and deleted her numbers out of my phone as well as getting rid of all the emails and addresses too. Always at night I seem to do a lot better than the first half of the day. I work at night and talk to coworkers and such and I always talk to my brother at night......every morning and the first few hours of the day, i am always worse off, ( I think about her, what shes doing and such........Why is this? Thanks for the advice.....(BTW, this was my first girlfriend and lover and relationship)

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Well, it's most likely harder for you in the morning because it's when you first wake up and have no other distractions the way you do at night. You said yourself that you work/hang out with friends in the afternoon/evening, of course you won't be thinking of her as much! But soon, you'll start waking up and realize that she's NOT the first thing on your mind, and that's when you'll realize that your heart is beginning to truly heal. Stick with it, you'll be fine....and we're always here if you need us.

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hey aragorn80,

it seems to me that your more active at night you have people and conversations to occupy your mind, and your mates obviously have a better sense than to keep her on your mind and thats why your not thinking about it and thereforeeeee feeling better in my eyes anyway.


in the morning well youve got everything to think about and usually in some relationships not judging on yours you may have got used to waking up next to her or having a message on your phone which you dont now. generally after six days if the relationship actually meant something you generally feel like this.


do you want to get her out of your mind though? or do you want her back because by deleting all her messages and stuff (well really her number which youve probably got memorised anyway) is not gonna get you anywhere if you still gonna work at it.


its your first love, relationship and everything its no doubt that your gonna feel this way.


well thats my input hope it helped


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I know how you feel...


At night, I'll be happy, but in the morning when I wake up, especially, when I open my eyes, the pain hits me again. It's like a dagger, or someone piercing at my heart, and then the day goes by, and the cycle goes over and over again.


It's been 2 weeks for me, and it still hurts, but not as much like last week. What helped me was doing things that I like doing. Such as going to the bookstore. Research on topics that you find interest in, find a new hobby.


Keep in touch with your parents, they will always bring some sort of comfort. Spend time with family and friends. Whatever you do, avoid anything that has to do w/your ex, like songs you used to listen to, places you used to go, foods you used to eat, and meet new people, but don't pursue another relationship...Good Luck!

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I would suggest just being active in the morning so you just aren't thinking about anything. I would try playing a sport or exercising, that will usually keep me occupied so I'm not really thinking about anything and just stay busy until you go to work or whatever you are doing. Books, shopping, making something or whatever should help.

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One thing that helped me get over a guy after he dumped me after 8 months was to get up a few minutes early, and try to write down everything I would say to him if I called him that minute, how I was feeling, good, bad, ugly feelings, whatever. Or write letters but DON'T SEND! I think it's important to get your feelings out of your head before you start your day, otherwise you're already starting out on a bad note.

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