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I need help about my wisdom teeth

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Two years ago when I had X-Rays of my mouth taken to look for cavities they noticed my winsdow teeth coming in crooked. Well, now both my top wisdom teeth are coming in at the same time. I'm on medicade because my family is poor and in less than 4 months I'm turning 18 and will no longer be on medicade. If I'm to get them removed I have to do it before I turn 18. Should I just wait and see if they will be a problem or should I just get them pulled now?

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Get them pulled now. It really isn't too bad (I didn't take the painkillers afterwards b/c I am allergic to Hydrocodone and the surgeon wouldn't prescribe anything else.) It's less painful than waiting until they're impacted or having to repair a shifted jaw.

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I'm supposed to have all of mine pulled out, was supposed to have it done 2 christmases ago, but I'm so scared, I told the dentist I'll just keep them and put up with the pain lol. But yea, if you want them pulled, I'd do it sooner rather than later

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I could be wrong, but my understand of wisdom teeth that are growing in crooked is that they'll eventually affect your normal teeth and mess up your teeth alignment, which could lead to problems with chewing, etc. Plus it hurts. A lot.


I wasn't planning on getting mine out, but a few years ago, they started growing in crooked, which hurt a lot. I got them taken out -- it's not nearly as bad as people say it is. Besides, between putting up with pain for one week, and putting up with pain for your entire life... I really recommend getting your wisdom teeth taken out, especially since they're growing in crooked. You don't want to risk having problems later in life and not being able to pay for surgery.

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When my sister got hers out her face was all swollen and she was in pain so I was understandably nervous about mine. However after I got mine out there was no swelling and I didn't have to take any painkillers or anything. It didn't hurt that much either. People's body react differently to surgery than others. But I recommend getting it done when your dentist tells you to.

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