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When you feel an attraction with a man/woman, what increases the attraction,


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Attraction's not a choice, so I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean, what impresses people/other gender...I dont know, that's going to be different for every person. If you mean sexually, I'm sure again that's up to the person. Be yourself and you'll find that whoever likes you for who you are is the best type of attraction. If you're trying to, or have to show off for someone in order to "try" and make him/her attracted to you, then they're not what you want more than likely.

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In the same line of thought as kate111:


As a guy, when a girl initially shows interest in me, but then suddenly drops it, that totally intrigues me. At the same time, really attractive girls who are totally into me, don't get the same kind of response.


I think the psychology behind it may be that we all want the best possible partner for ourselves, and that some one you have to work a little for but are still able to hold onto is the best pick. So if you just through yourself at some one, regardless of how good looking or well off you are, you may not get them interested, and if at the same time, if you are the most unaproachable challenge, then there too you may not become some one's center of attention.


I guess the idea is to initially get their attention, but to only hint at your own interest to the point that you keep them guessing.

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