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SHY MEN - Tell me...?


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Play with earlobes? I've never seen that, I scratch the back of my head sometimes, but I don't play with my ear. o.O


If you're socially shy you just don't fit in well, you have few friends and the ones you do have are really close. If you're shy around the person you like you could stutter, trip over sentences, and reverse words. Sometimes you'll just be afraid to approach them or ask them out on a date.


Why were you wondering?

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Earlobes? I don't think I play with my earlobes, but guys tend to be finicky when they're nervous.


Well if you're socially shy, I think you're shy to everyone in particular. Not really taking part in conversation, or acting withdrawn. Something like that. If you're shy because you have the crush, typically shy towards the specfic person. Its pretty easy to tell when a shy guy has a crush.

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Yeah alot of what Skylab said. All the nervousness and anxiety he has for the girl. He touches his head alot....be it the back of his head or his earlove even


He's unable to keep contact. He mumbles. Stammers. Can't really string together words to make a coherent statement. "Uhh..." "Erm..." Alot of those, if its in his character. Some in particular?

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reply to your answers: The reason is, I know many shy men, and sometimes they don't say how they feel or what they're thinking, friends/acquaintance, so its difficult to know how to react sometimes, because its difficult to understand what going on in their head, and then feel awkward. I want to understand them so I can be a better friend. Thanks for all the replys. Suppose ear-thing is anxiety possibly, of talking

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Usually socially shy men (I'm one of them) are mostly shy with lots of people. One on one is usually more comfortable for them. Shy people are grossely misunderstood; ask any psychologist, shyness is a deep character trait. People who are shy can't help being shy it is their nature. A big mistake is thinking shy people have little confidence (which is somewhat understandable for their behavior).


Shy guys CAN come out of their shell, they just don't do it for everybody. They will let you in if they know they can trust you and that you will not judge them; and accept them for who they are. Because of that, in a way I think shy people are more sensitive. They do more internal thinking about how they feel and who they let get close to them. Becoming shy could be for a number of reasons, maybe people didn't reach out to them much growing up, or they grew up with fewer friends.


It is weird the way you describe letting out your feelings, i.e. not being shy, I'm shy and I still don't understand why I am that way. Most of the times that I do try to be social, people usually don't make much an effort to be friends with me anyway; which turns me off to trying more.


As for the difference between socially shy and a guy who has a crush, the above posts are pretty accurate. A guy with a crush will usually not say anything smooth, more mindless chatter/not knowing what to say. In a way a girl should be more flattered if a guy is fumbling with words than if he is a smooth "Rico Suave" type. In that situation the shy guy is actually showing true emotions. Am I right?

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I don't think I could date a shy guy.


!!!!!!!!! A shy guy is only a shy guy until you get to know him, then he is an ordinary guy.


Are you really letting yourself lose out on some great relationships, just becuase the guy is not outgoing with you from the off. ??? Your loss !


Look at how the guy is generaly, he may be totally outgoing, but just shy with you because he likes you so much.

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!!!!!!!!! A shy guy is only a shy guy until you get to know him, then he is an ordinary guy.


Are you really letting yourself lose out on some great relationships, just becuase the guy is not outgoing with you from the off. ??? Your loss !


Look at how the guy is generaly, he may be totally outgoing, but just shy with you because he likes you so much.

I did date a really shy guy once and it was just annoying. I'm really outgoing and he was the opposite of me. I did think he would eventually open up but he didn't. It really didn't fit with my lifestyle because he wanted to stay home everynight just me and him. It's not that I don't like just staying home somenights but usually I like to go out. I had to try to hard with him. I don't even know how I started dating him. Usually the guys I go out with are the funny outgoing guys and he wasnt either of those things. It was like he was still shy around me when we were alone and it was so awkward. I really do think it's important that a guy is outgoing from the start because that's how he's gonna get my attention. If a guy is standing around looking like he doesnt want to be there I'm not gonna go talk to him. If I met a really great guy who was shy I wouldn't just write him off but I would hope that he becomes more outgoing as he gets to know me.

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Unfortunately since shy people are shunned by society, it kind of causes a vicious cycle. They would be less shy if they knew people were open to accept them and give them a chance to show who they are. But most of society ignores shy people, they are treated like they are unworthy to be around social settings. I think a lot of shy people became shy because for whatever reason, people made them uncomfortable in social settings. For me, I was VERY social when I was younger (I think I've said before here I was voted class clown in 4th grade) The thing is, when I got older, and it was obvious that I was going to be shorter than everyone else, things changed. Less of my "friends" included me in things. It was no longer cool to hang out with someone who wasn't either an athlete, popular with the opposite sex, or was the life of the party. Even though I knew most people in my graduating class, I never got invited to parties, or was asked to do things outside of school. I honestly found it to be very strange. It was like one summer everyone came back best friends, had boyfriends/girlfriends, were going to parties etc. except me. I felt like I was years of experience behind everybody. And it made me an outcast. There were only a few other guys in my school that had the "real shortness" gene; and they were athletes. Since in middle school I didn't belong to a "click" no one was about to ask me to join their group. It was like being blacklisted. And if the guys didn't want to hang with me then the girls sure didn't.


I felt that everyone had been validated as a teenager and was allowed to experience all the cliche teenager stuff (relationships, parties, sex, going on vacations with friends) except me. I became quiet around 7th/8th grade and became more and more shy; it was like I faded into the backround and didn't experience high school. I literally never went out with any other people my age my whole high school experience; mostly because I was never invited, and because of that assumed no one wanted me around. Then when college started, it was so much easier for people to make friends/relationships because they all had so much in common with their high school experiences.


Anyway, that is why I became shy, sorry if it took too long to explain

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