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This was a prose poetry assignment we had to do for my English class. It's set up the way it is because that was the format we were assigned to write it in.


Just because I'm gay

It doesn't mean that I have some sort of contagious disease

Or that you're going to "catch" it from hanging around me too much,

Or that I'm trying to "recruit" you for anything,

And I don't have a crush on every girl I talk to.


Just because I'm gay

It doesn't mean that I'm not human, too,

Or that I don't have feelings,

Or that it doesn't hurt when people tell me I'm going to hell.

And I'm not trying to destroy the sanctity of marriage.


Just because I'm gay

It doesn't mean that I "chose" to be this way

Or that my parents didn't raise me like they should have

Or that I'm some kind of freak.

And I don't want to be tolerated; I want to be accepted-

Just for who I am.


(By the way, I am actually a girl if the last line of the first stanza doesn't seem to make sense. I'm using "gay" as a general term referring to homosexuality, not just males.)

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