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Breastfeeding: I NEED ADVICE

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Breastfeeding IS very important to me. I'm already in this pain and it's not going to go away just because I stop breastfeeding, and I know I'd regret it. It's just my personal choice and I've heard many, many women go through this when they start breastfeeding and they survived it...I'm sure I will too.


It is hard though. My baby is sick and gets frustrated because he's stuffed up and has trouble breathing through his nose at the moment (I do use saline drops and suction out as much as I can) and he tugs on my breasts when he's nursing, making it WAY more painful.


Today is very trying. I've broken down a bunch of times since it hurts so bad. I'm going to pump exclusevely on the painful side and give him the bottle when I'm done. It seems to be less painful, plus I want to introduce him to bottle-feeding (just not formula). I'm very dedicated to accomplishing this and overcoming this, however if it doesn't get better within a couple of days, I'm going to really reconsider.


I never heard that I could have cause this myself...why don't doctor's let you know what's really important and how to prevent this? I had no idea.


I have a question about the pain medication you guys were discussing...if things like vicodin are harmful to the baby, why do they prescribe it when you leave the hospital? They gave me double dosages at the hospital because I was in so much pain, and a prescription to fill afterwards. They knew I was breastfeeding but said it's fine. Is it?

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I never heard that I could have cause this myself...why don't doctor's let you know what's really important and how to prevent this? I had no idea.
Poor handwashing/not enough handwashing is one way that you can get mastitis, but not the only way. Part of my post partum teaching always including good handwashing before and after breast feeding for new moms to help prevent it, I'm surprised you weren't taught the same thing.


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The most important aspect of prevention involves good handwashing to try to prevent the infant from acquiring the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the first place. Keeping the breast clean before breastfeeding also helps prevent infection. Keeping the breasts from becoming engorged may help prevent mastitis by preventing plugging of milk ducts.



My drug book says that pregnancy or lactation is a contraindication for Vicodin use- or at the very least to use it cautiously.


This chart:


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says that Vicodin is potentially hazardous to use for a mom nursing a newborn:

Potentially Hazardous

You should avoid or use these drugs with caution, particularly while breastfeeding a newborn or premature infant.

This site:


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Has this to say about Vicodin and breastfeeding:


Special information if you are pregnant or breastfeeding


The effects of Vicodin in pregnancy have not been adequately studied. Do not take this drug if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant unless you are directed to do so by your doctor. Drug dependence occurs in newborns when the mother has taken this drug regularly prior to delivery. If you take it shortly before delivery, the baby's breathing may be slowed. Acetaminophen does, and hydrocodone may, appear in breast milk and could affect a nursing infant. If this medication is essential to your health, your doctor may advise you to discontinue breastfeeding your baby until your treatment is finished.

This site:


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Says this about vicodin:


FDA pregnancy category C. This medication may be harmful to an unborn baby, and could cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms in a newborn. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment. Vicodin can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Do not give this medicine to anyone younger than 18 years old. Older adults may be more sensitive to the effects of this medicine.



At best guess, I would say that your doctor used his professional judgement to risk vs. benefit and what was best for you, vs. the risk to your son. And since you haven't mentioned any ill effects to him, I would not be too worried, but you can certainly bring it up with your doctor next time you talk to him. I think it really is just a risk v. benefit and each doctor uses their best professional judgement based on their experience with it.

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You poor dear!!!

I had to stop breastfeeding when my son was 6 weeks old. He was in Intensive Care and being fed via an NG tube for the most part, so I was exepressing and juggling some small feeds when I was able also.

I developed some major problem where blood was coming through with my milk - not from my nipples, and I was rushed (by my son's nurses) to emergency ward to get checked out... there I discovered the mixed responses about breast feeding... the nurse was telling me we just grin and bare this stuff - as breast is best... the doctor was telling me that not only was bloody milk not great for the baby but whatever was causing the problem was probably what was making him ill in the first place (failure to thraive - at 6 weeks post partum he was still 1 kg llighter than his birth weight and continuing to lose weight - he also had not grown at all) the nurses said "no, brest milk can never harm a baby".


I battled over my decision all night - if breast is best, that s what my son would have - and when I awoke in the morning, my milk was gone... my boobs were big hollow bags...


I was devastated... until I realised that breast WAS NOT what was best for my little boy... turns out he had a severe reaction to milk protein, and it won't process in his body... so whilst I struggled to continue to feed him for 6 weeks he was basically being starved to death, and all the while I was putting up with sooo much because I thought it would make me a better mother....


So, I just want to say - you do what you feel comfortable with, if it hurts you too much, feel okay about formula... many children have had to go on it - and survived - it has to be up to a certain standard of nutrition etc. Think about it this way - if putting him on formula means it will help yu get well and be pain-free... you'll be able to function better as a person and as a new Mum.... so when you make your decision, base it on what you think and feel, not what someone else tells you - your instincts will be spot on!!!!

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Aw that's a devestating story!


Luckily I'm not going through THAT much, I'm glad you kinda put it into perspective for me. I'm still going to try...everyone keeps telling me it's going to get better and I honestly haven't given the medication enough time to work yet. Hopefully it does, and if not, well then I'll go a different route.


I still have loads of milk. Yesterday I pumped just the painful side and I had a bottle full of breastmilk. I started storing it today. So he eats on the one side, I pump on the other and freeze it. Unfortunately I tried to give it to him tonight and he really just screamed at the bottle instead of eating from it. However he's gained over a pound and grown more than an inch in the last few weeks, and I can tell he's getting enough by the amount of dirty diapers I go through.


So thanks for sharing your story, I really hope it works itself out, I'm still giving it my all...warm compresses, soaking my breasts in hot water, etc., and now antibiotics so I hope it will just start to get better.


I do know I'm giving it my all though, so if I do decide to switch to formula, I won't feel bad about it.

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You may already know this, but as you struggle through the pain your milk may end up drying up somewhat - even as a reaction to the pain (reflex), I actually was taking prescribed Maxalon (a neusea medication) to increase my milk flow - the doctor kind of indulged me with all this excess help, all the while knowing that my days of breast feeding would soon be over - but he didn't want to discourage me either... I guess he knew that emotionally I needed to know I had done all I could.

I am glad that you want to continue with this... but just don't let yourself go through too much before you call it a day!!!

Good luck with it all and let us know how you get on!

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You are doing a great job! I know it hurts like h*ll but you'll get past this bump soon enough.


When I had this problem I would do a number of things. Try to express manually in the shower as the warmth does a lot of good. I also tried to pump inbetween feedings as it sounds you are doing.


Last, I would start him off on the good side, interrupt him and switch him to the bad side after he was about half way done. I would keep him on the bad side until he got really mad then switch him back and let him empty the good side. The next time I would start him on the bad side until he got really mad. Can you tell he would get really mad a lot? LOL My little guy was particularly demanding and wanted it NOW... not a minute... NOW!!! LOL but he was effective in helping unblock the flow.


I'm so proud of you to come on here and ask for help. So many women just give up but you aren't and I applaud you for that. It does hurt right now but once this clears up you'll be glad you persevered.

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I've been on antibiotics for three days now...still hurts really, really bad.


I nursed him on the really painful side and right after he "disconnected," I got this really intense burning sensation for about 10-20 minutes...is this normal? Could this mean it's getting better??

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Are you engorged or is he nursing and emptying it? If he is emptying it then that is a good sign and will promote healing. You want to completely empty it. One trick is to point his chin to the sore spot.


The sensation you describe sounds about right as it is so tender right now. As long as you don't have a fever then you don't have an infection.

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Okay so it's still unbearably painful. Even more so. It's been 5 days I've been in this really, really intense pain.


When I nurse him, the rest of the breast drains out, but not the hard areas. I still pump and try to make sure everything is out. I tried massaging them, soaking them, putting heat on them, everything anyone has suggested and they just don't go away at all. They're clogged and I've seriously done EVERYTHING. It seems to be getting worse. My entire left breast is sore and has a constant piercing, burning sensation, even where it's not hard and swollen.


Isn't it infected if it's really painful, swollen, really red and very hot to the touch?


God this is awful. I keep waiting and waiting for some sort of relief or for the pain to stop but it's just not. One of the spots (the one that was the size of a golf ball) is HUGE now and it's right below my armpit. You can see it through my shirt it's so big. It hurts to raise my arms and I can only carry the baby on one side now. It makes me cry to nurse him on the left side. I didn't even cry when I had him. How can this be something women go through all the time...??? My doctor acted like it's no big thing and I don't know how that is possible.

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Try laying down so that you are laying on your good side. Now lay the baby along side and latch him on so that his chin is pointing toward the golf ball area you described. You'll have to prop yourself up with your good side arm and kinda lean over him and his legs might be pointing away from you after you get him positioned in the right angle... he'll be fine as long as his nose isn't obstructed.


If you can get this angle in a chair then by all means. The thing is to get his chin pointing toward the hard area when he latches on.


Let us know how that goes and keep trying. You'll get past this.

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OMG, BTR, that sounds ohhhhh soooo awful! I am soooo sorry to hear youre in this much pain. I have no idea how people continue in such a state. Truly truly a sacrifice. OUCH - more like ouuuuuwwwwwwooowwwwwwoowwwwch. I don't know what I'll do if it gets hard and clogged like that. I guess I would really try to get more opinions. It almost sounds unbearable, but I don't want to discourage you from keeping your chin up and continuing. HUGGSSSS TO YOU SWEETIE PIE!!! I am sooo sorry to hear you're in this much pain!!!!

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According to this website, the good news is that maybe you have a plugged duct due to an abundant supply of milk, that it usually occurs during the EARLY weeks of breastfeeding, and during the winter. SOOOO The end may be in site. The bad news... that you have to find a remedy. Are you breastfeeding from that affected breast often?

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I went to the doctor yesterday. A different doctor.


She was shocked...she said it was one of the worst cases she's seen. I had a fever of 102. She brought in another doctor and they were talking about what they should do...they were debating whether they should send me to the ER or not...they said it doesn't need to be lanced "yet." They ended up giving me a super strong shot of antibiotics in my bum and prescribing me some different ones I take more often. They took blood tests too and I had to lay down for 20 minutes to make sure I didn't have any bad reactions to anything.


I have another appointment tomorrow and they said if my fever goes up any more or if I feel any more pain, go straight to the ER and they'll give me an IV of antibiotics and treat it "more aggressively." She said I need help and someone has to watch the baby as much as possible so I can rest otherwise I will definently end up in the hospital. My mom stayed home from work today to help me out, she is absolutely the best.


I feel so validated. I'm not crazy.


I absolutely cannot breastfeed on my left side anymore. I still pump though, and even that is painful. Hopefully that will work. He does take a bottle now so I'm happy.


I have a feeling they're going to send me to the hospital, things don't look any better whatsoever today.


I feel better about the whole situation though...there's light at the end of the tunnel. In a week this should all be over with.

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BTR...wow. I am so glad you got a second opinion. From what you had been describing, it sounded like you were in absolute agony.


Did they say you should stop breastfeeding for now? If it still hurts you a great deal, maybe it's not such a good idea to even pump your breast milk out.

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Hey BTR,


Ugh! I am so glad that you went to a new doctor today and got that second opinion. Your other doctor's cavalier attitude worried me, and especially after you started taking the antibiotics and it was still that bad.


What did the doctor say about pumping on that side? Did she still want you to do that? Or might it be less painful if you stop?


You know it's OK to stop if this is just too much for you.




Hope you are better soon!

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I'm so glad your mom is there to help you out and that you had two doctors consulting how to best care for you this time. I can't imagine what that side feels like everytime your milk lets down and you have to pump. I feel just terrible for you. I'm so sorry you are going through this! Please keep us updated.

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If I stop breastfeeding now, it's only going to get worse. I have to do everything I can to keep from getting engourged. I just can't handle the latch-on...and he gets mad and tugs on them while he's sucking and it's unbearable. But I'm not stopping altogether, my doctor said pumping is fine and it should help a lot.


I know I'm clogged up and he's probably not getting as much as he should, so I might suppliment him with formula if he needs it. So far I'm doing okay though, I got some breastmilk stored in the freezer for backup already.


I had a couple good weeks of breastfeeding and I absolutely LOVED it. I'm not quitting now. (I'm obviously the kind who doesn't give up long after anybody else would...relationship wise too!) I got past the split nipples and don't even remember that pain...this will be like that too I'm sure.


Anyways, my doctor called to check up on me today (she's amazing) and I'm going back tomorrow and they're going to give me another shot of antibiotics and keep watching me closely.


In a week, this should be history. *crosses fingers*

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So glad you've got a good doc on your side now who's watching out for you.


Obviously breastfeeding is very important to you, and I agree with your sentiments, but I just wanted to put it out there- as you know Scout was VERY protective of your comfort!


Hope you are feeling better very soon.


How's the munchkin?

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My baby is great but I feel like a terrible mom. I know I'm not, but it's just unfortunate everything is happening to make this even more difficult.




Okay so I woke up today and I pumped the really bad side and all this yellow crap came out (I threw it out, now worries) and the pain died down. I still have rock hard lumps in that side but I can massage them and it seems to be getting better.


However, on the other side, it is ten times worse. I can see the infection through the skin. It may sound gross, but it looks like a big blister, then a bunch of other rock hard, red hot masses on the side of my breast.


I went to the doctor again and they gave me another shot (of rocephin, the antibiotic) and they said they're trying to prevent me from having to go to the hospital and have them open it up and drain it out.


BUT I just broke out in hives. They're everywhere. Seems like I'm having an allergic reaction and I looked it up on the internet and apparently it can be very bad. I called my doctor and I'm waiting for her to call me back, but most likely I'm gonna have to go to the hospital.


I'm so sick and tired of being out of commission. This is so frustrating.


On a lighter note, I still have a bunch of milk. Moo.

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You poor woman! You really are having a tough time! Do they think it's a reaction to the antibiotic!


Oh Girl! ((HUGS))


You are NOT a bad mom! Going through all this just to breastfeed your son- you should get an award!


Hang in there, I hope you update us soon!

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Thanks Hope!


I called my doctor yesterday after I got the hives and she told me to take a benadryl, which I did. It seemed to make things better. So we went to sleep.


I woke up at 3am and had hives EVERYWHERE, even my tongue was swollen and I could barely talk. (I honestly can't believe all this is happening.) So I went to the ER and they gave me an IV full of stuff and I stayed there for a couple hours and now there are no signs of hives. I have yet to take any more medication, they advised me to wait 24 hours since my body has been pumped full of antibiotics for the past week and it needs to balance out or whatever.


I had them look at my breast (the one that looks like it's blistering) and she stuck a needle in it to make sure it didn't have puss or anything and it hurt SO BAD. However she assured me it's okay and it WILL pass. She said she wished she could give me a magic pill to make it all go away but unfortunately they don't exist.


I got home and went back to sleep and woke up and I feel much better. I pumped on the left side (the one that originally hurt more than anything) and it was really gross but it's pretty much cleared out. I think I have one more tiny spot that's clogged but SO much crap came out, it was disgusting but relieving.


Anyways...hopefully it's all downhill from here...???? *crosses fingers*

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