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She emailed me again...

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She sent me a happy b-day message. That's all it was though. I told her in my last email to never send another one, and she did anyway. I don't want to respond to it. I will not. But then another side of me just wants to call her up and scream at her all kinds of nasty things. I still have a lot of built-up anger towards her but I know it's useless to even let it go on her. I can't let her be a part of my life anymore. No way. But I so just want to say all kinds of mean and nasty things to her. I know it's not right, especially since she was just trying to be nice...

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Hey fellow Charlottean,


It always hurts when an ex makes a nice comment but you need to just let her go completely, it sounds like from your previous post(I read them quickly) but it sounds like she did you wrong and you need to cut her out of your life and move on. I have a lot of built up anger towards my previous g/f and I know if I try to express them it will only seem as if it doesn't effect her. Let her be.


Good Luck


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That day when she just casually smiled at me after I told her how hurt I felt. She said that she was called the heartbreaker and then just smiled at me. I will never forgive her for that. How could she be so selfish like that.


I really really really want to tell her how I feel and then block her email address forever. I was just screaming in the car earlier today. She stirred up my anger big time again.

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What you do depends on why you want to do it. In general, I would agree with the others that no response is probably the best solution. However, there are times when the anger, or more pertinently the desire to express it, will remain on your mind for a long period, in which case it can be better to express it, get it over and done with, and then move on. You'll know if that's the case if, truly in your heart, you can say that you don't want any response from her to what you've written, or even want to hear about it from anywhere else, simply to know that she's now heard those things from you.

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We need to find a way for you to outlet the anger. Take out your frustrations in the gym or something. You don't want to react anything emotional to her because it would come back to haunt you and not provide you the relief that you're looking for.


It's a tough world out there Caldus, especially in the beginning when you're trying to figure out the basics of women. But things get better as you start to figure things out. You're just gonna have to try and toughen up your skin in the meantime.

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Ugh it was such a cliche message too ... just saying "happy birthday" in big letters. It's like as though she was just looking at her calendar and just happened to see it was my b-day so she check it off of her list and then that's it. I wish she didn't email me so that I wouldn't be thinking about this crap again today.


Earlier today I wanted to type up like a 30 page response about everything that has been bothering me in the last few months and just get every single little drop out of my system, send it, then block it forever. But now I am just going to try and ignore it. I'm going to pretend that she doesn't have a boyfriend anymore, because I know it won't work out with him. What I would do to make her feel what I felt so that she would truly understand everything and apologize like crazy and everything.


Alright I really need to just get off of here and do some stuff. Don't worry I won't send her another email. I already trashed the email and enjoyed doing so.

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Earlier today I wanted to type up like a 30 page response about everything that has been bothering me in the last few months and just get every single little drop out of my system, send it, then block it forever.


You could also just type, or write, up the 30 page response, and NOT send it, but keep it -- see the other threads about journalling . . . . Writing with a pen on paper is sometimes good to let the anger out . . .


Take it easy, and good for you!

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