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Approaching women

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Guys, which are you more comfortable with? Approaching her in real life or online?


As for me, I'm more of the go get out type of guy in real life. It just natural to me to find a girl that sparks my interest when I see her in flesh. To go up to her even if she surrounding by many of her friends, I just love that feelings. And I dont care if I get rejected, at least I tried. LIke in baseball You have to swing to hit. lol


And ladies, how would like to to be approach? Online or real life?

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Online is obviously easier, but it lacks the human touch. What signals do you have to go by? Where is the glancing, the touching, the hair flipping, the smiling? Bah, to heck with online flirting. Real life is MUCH more fun.


Except for the rejection factor. That makes it more difficult for men to approach women in real life.

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I don't consider "on line" an approach - that is simply someone typing to me - and if that is the way he approaches a woman that would tell me a lot about his confidence level and enthusiasm - in general I would find it a bit cowardly and passive.

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I'm more confident online, and interact with more people my age. I have been hit on more online than I have offline, shame most of them weren't even in the same country!


Online dating worked well for me for the same reason - confidence and availability.

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i think online is a way to hide behind a computer. you don't see who they are or you do, but all you can get is maybe an IP address out of it. lol


i'm always for in person meeting. i never and will never do the online thing. i just think it is a weird concept.

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i think online is a way to hide behind a computer. you don't see who they are or you do, but all you can get is maybe an IP address out of it. lol


i'm always for in person meeting. i never and will never do the online thing. i just think it is a weird concept.


Do you mean you won't meet someone in person who you first contacted through the Internet, or you won't interact with someone (in a dating context) through the Internet where there are no definite plans to meet in person soon? Those are two different things, at least to me (I would do the former but never the latter).

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Sure - you can define it any way you want it - just wasn't clear since you seemed to be lumping together people who only interact on line and people who are first introduced via email or an on line site. And thanks for clarifying that you are.

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like said its not much fun online compared to real life... but if you know someone in real life + have their e mail id.. well then when they come online you cant really be ignoring? and if you dont get a positive response from them online then you just know, they aint intrested...


but if you have found it quite nice for 1st few coversation, like getting to know each other as friends.....


but when you approaching, i think its better in real life,,, just looking in those beautiful eyes and surrendering yourself


i think this would be nice and playing safe

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