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21 and lost!

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hi yall


I just came on here to share my feelings and maybe get some help back.

ok Im 21 and I feel like im lost I dont know who I am who I want to be..a week ago I hit rock bottom..I felt so much pain inside that I just wanted to giveup on life..but some how Im still living..I just feel like im 21 n dont have a future yes I dont work.. i dont know who I wanna work as and I dont know who I want to be..I dont know im 21 and getting old and dont know who I am.. am I crazy? how do I find the true me in this fake plastic world..

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well you are definitely not the only one feeling like this. I know ppl who are much older than you that feel lost... and trust me, some ppl NEVER find their way in such things as career.


chances are you wil change careers sometime in your life, so think of jobs as an experimental thing.. you don't have to stick with it forever. So is it a motivation problem?


don't give up on life. you have so much potential left! Seek professional help please, and dont be afraid to ask for help. good luck to you

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you should share more details, I'll read no matter how long it is..

22 myself as of today so I don't know how much advice I can give you but I can pass a long advice given to me by others.

I promise you one day you'll wake up and see the blue skies and feel the crisp morning air. Keep your mind clear or you'll never find your way out.

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I've just turned 24 and I suffer bouts of having a loss of indentity. There are times where I have no idea who I am, where I want to go or what I want to do. It makes me very miserable at times.


But hey, we all go through things like this at some point. Some of us later than others. I think the trick is choosing something and sticking with it.


That's the best advice I can give.

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no not in college at the moment I just dont see a point going to college if I dont know who I want to be, I guess Im just really confused on life..I do enjoy singiing but whats the point in that..I do like traveling..but at the same time I think thats too much work..ill be missing loved ones an all..somtimes I feel like I know what I want,but then in few min my hope goes back down.

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well whatever it is that you want to do in life.. just ask yourself..

can you wake up at 7am every morning and spend the whole day doing it?

for the rest of your life!

if not.. you better find something you actually like

and this advice is not coming from my stupid 22 year old self, it's coming from my 50 year old uncle who works at the world bank and regrets it

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At 23 someone told me I was a lost soul. So I understand the feeling of being lost. One poster said it, the point is to choose something and stick to it. That's the truth. You mentioned wanting to sing, well now's the time! Give it a shot! Hopefully you've had some training or play an instrument. Start up a band, join a band, do something with it. Why not go to school for music? They have some great colleges to study it. At 21 your still young just legal so give up that I'm old talk 'cause your not old yet. And if music doesn't work pick something else but stick with it.

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