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when i cut myself, my gf walks out

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i'm not really sure what to do...my gf walks out on my when i cut myself, i have committed suicide before and she knows this. she said she is sick of it and she thinks i'm faking it sometimes....


i work late night shifts, 1am on weekdays and 3am on weekends. i am also a full time student. i bought my gf a new phone and i accidently scratched it. she got really angry at me because she thinks i don't take care of her stuff. she also knows i am stressed out from working so late and taking classes.


i don't think she cares about me, i'm not really sure what to do anymore. should i just break up with her, because i feel my depression is getting worse. i don't hate her, i just think she is not mature enough... my ex left me because i ahve depression....i guess this one is the same


what should i do?

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You need to find the root of your problem. Why do you feel the need to cut yourself. Instead of that try and express yourself in other ways like talking to a counciller or friends. You must sort this cutting yourself out first. Sounds like your in a lot of pain. Must sort it out now. Don't do this to yourself be kind to yourself. Your girlfriend should be there for you trying to help you through this. Heal yourself first. Good luck

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She's showing that she cares by not liking the fact that you cut yourself and walking out on you because of it. If she were to just stay and pretend like it wasn't happening, then that would be the sign that she doesn't care about you.


Do you even want to get help? For yourself?


But for real, nobody wants to be with a depressed person. It has nothing to do with maturity. It's just depressing and hard to be with someone who is seriously depressed and cutting themselves.

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I agree with everyone else. The thing is while being in a relationship is a comfy place for getting support - you can't rely on her to drop everything in her world and help, especially when it appears your not helping yourself (seeking professsional help). I don't mean to sound cold, because I know what it feels like to be in a relationship where you are the depressed one - it feels like the other person just doesn't understand or care. She will never be able to understand what your going through and while walking out seems kind of harsh, im sure she is very confused and your depression could possibly send her into one too - she is trying to save herself....which from the outside might seem a little selfish. i would say talk to a therapist or counsellor about your situation. do some reading on depression and try to educate your girlfriend on what you are going through. You want her to do something - but what? Find out exactly what you want her to do, say, etc. and then tell her what helps when u are feeling bad.

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you are cutting and it is your problem. you are stressed but she doesnt have to put up with your problems.

As a girlfriend they are not have to put themselves in bad environment even if you are your girlfriend.

I think it is time to see someone for your cutting or she will not be sticking around, and to be honest can you blame her.

You and ony you can change you habit.

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She is a lot smarter than you are giving her credit for. Your attempts at suicide are a plea for attention, but if she sits there and coddles you, then you will do it over and over and over. Eventually, you'll be doing it over every little thing, and she will feel so bent over a barrel that she will just leave.


Instead, she is taking away the power that your attempts have, and forcing you to confront the fact that maybe suicide and self-mutilation do not solve anything.


Get help!

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i don't hate her, i just think she is not mature enough...

She could be more supportive, but think of what you are putting her through... Especially since your depression predates her... Do something positive like getting professional help.


It sounds like she cannot be the counsellor that you need... And I'm not saying you should find a girlfriend who can be a counsellor..

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